#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream.h> #define N 25000 // 待排序元素的个数 void insertsort(int R[N+1]) // 直接插入排序 { int i,j; for (i=2; i<=N; i++) { R[0]=R[i]; // 设置监视哨 j=i-1; while (R[0]<R[j]) { R[j+1]=R[j]; j--; } R[j+1]=R[0]; } } void shellsort(int R[N+1]) // 希尔排序 { int i,j,gap; int x; gap=N/2; // 设置初始增量 while (gap>0) { for (i=gap+1; i<=N; i++) { j=i-gap; while (j>0) if(R[j]>R[j+gap]) { x=R[j]; R[j]=R[j+gap]; R[j+gap]=x; j=j-gap; } else j=0; } gap=gap/2; // 减小增量 } } void bubblesort(int R[N+1]) // 起泡排序 { int i,j,noswap; int temp; for (i=1; i<=N-1; i++) { noswap=1; for (j=N; j>=i+1; j--) if(R[j]<R[j-1]) { temp=R[j]; R[j]=R[j-1]; R[j-1]=temp; noswap=0; } if(noswap) break; } } int partition(int R[N+1],int low,int high) // 快速排序的子函数(取定枢轴元素) { int i,j; i=low; j=high; R[0]=R[low]; // 取定枢轴元素 do { // 从表的两端交替地向中间扫描 while ((j>i) && (R[j]>=R[0])) j--; if(i<j) { R[i]=R[j]; i++; } while ((i<j) && (R[i]<=R[0])) i++; if(i<j) { R[j]=R[i]; j--; } } while (i<j); R[i]=R[0]; // 枢轴元素到位 return i; // 返回枢轴位置 } void quicksort(int R[N+1],int low,int high) // 快速排序 { int i; if(low<high) { i=partition(R,low,high); // 将表R一分为二 quicksort(R,low,i-1); // 对低子表递归排序 quicksort(R,i+1,high); // 对高子表递归排序 } } void selectsort(int R[N+1]) // 直接选择排序 { int i,j,k; int temp; for (i=1; i<=N-1; i++) { k=i; for (j=i+1; j<=N; j++) if(R[j]<R[k]) k=j; // 用k指出每趟在无序区间段的最小元素 if(k!=i) { temp=R[i]; R[i]=R[k]; R[k]=temp; } } } void sift(int R[N+1],int s,int m) // 堆排序的子函数(筛选算法,使R[s..m]成为一个大根堆) { int i,j; int temp; temp=R[s]; i=s; j=2*i; // R[j]是R[i]的左孩子 while (j<=m) { if((j<m) && (R[j]<R[j+1])) j++; // 若右孩子较大,则把j修改为右孩子的下标 if(temp<R[j]) { R[i]=R[j]; // 将R[j]调到父亲的位置上 i=j; j=2*i; // 修改i和j的值,以便继续向下筛选 } else break; // 筛选完成,终止循环 } R[i]=temp; // 被筛结点的值放入最终位置 } void heapsort(int R[N+1]) // 堆排序 { int i; int temp; for (i=N/2; i>=1; i--) sift(R,i,N); // 建立初始堆 for (i=N; i>=2; i--) { // 进行N-1次循环,完成堆排序 temp=R[1]; R[1]=R[i]; R[i]=temp; // 将第一个元素同当前区间内最后一个元素对换 sift(R,1,i-1); // 筛选R[1]结点,得到(N-1)个结点的堆 } } void main() { int R[N+1],RR[N+1]; // 待排序的元素组 clock_t start,finish; // 用于函数运行的记时 double duration; int i; cout<<"The initial data: "<<endl; for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { R[i]=rand()%5001; RR[i]=R[i]; cout<<R[i]<<" "; if(i%10==0) cout<<endl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getchar(); // 直接插入排序 start = clock(); // 记时开始 insertsort(RR); finish = clock(); // 记时结束 duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"The result based on the insert sort is :"<<endl; for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { cout<<RR[i]<<" "; if(i%10==0) cout<<endl; } cout<<"The Run Time is: "<<duration<<" seconds"<<endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getchar(); // 希尔排序 for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { RR[i]=R[i]; } start = clock(); // 记时开始 shellsort(RR); finish = clock(); // 记时结束 duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"The result based on the shell sort is :"<<endl; for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { cout<<RR[i]<<" "; if(i%10==0) cout<<endl; } cout<<"The Run Time is: "<<duration<<" seconds"<<endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getchar(); // 起泡排序 for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { RR[i]=R[i]; } start = clock(); // 记时开始 bubblesort(RR); finish = clock(); // 记时结束 duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"The result based on the shell sort is :"<<endl; for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { cout<<RR[i]<<" "; if(i%10==0) cout<<endl; } cout<<"The Run Time is: "<<duration<<" seconds"<<endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getchar(); // 快速排序 for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { RR[i]=R[i]; } start = clock(); // 记时开始 quicksort(RR,1,N); finish = clock(); // 记时结束 duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"The result based on the shell sort is :"<<endl; for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { cout<<RR[i]<<" "; if(i%10==0) cout<<endl; } cout<<"The Run Time is: "<<duration<<" seconds"<<endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getchar(); // 直接选择排序 for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { RR[i]=R[i]; } start = clock(); // 记时开始 selectsort(RR); finish = clock(); // 记时结束 duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"The result based on the shell sort is :"<<endl; for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { cout<<RR[i]<<" "; if(i%10==0) cout<<endl; } cout<<"The Run Time is: "<<duration<<" seconds"<<endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getchar(); // 堆排序 for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { RR[i]=R[i]; } start = clock(); // 记时开始 heapsort(RR); finish = clock(); // 记时结束 duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"The result based on the shell sort is :"<<endl; for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { cout<<RR[i]<<" "; if(i%10==0) cout<<endl; } cout<<"The Run Time is: "<<duration<<" seconds"<<endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
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