装配线调度问题 | DP-34

发布于 2024-03-14 20:44:56 字数 20204 浏览 24 评论 0

一个汽车制造厂有两条装配线,每条装配线有 n 个工位。工位用 S i,j表示其中 i 为 1 或 2,表示工位在其上的装配线,j 表示工位的编号。每个站花费的时间用i,j 表示。每个工作站都专用于某种工作,例如发动机配件,车身配件,喷漆等。因此,汽车底盘必须在出厂前依次经过 n 个站点中的每个站点。两条装配线的并行站执行相同的任务。在经过站点 S i,j 之后,它将继续到达站点 S i,j + 1,除非它决定转移到另一条线路。在同一条线路上继续行驶不会产生任何额外费用,但是从站点 i – 1 处的线路 i 转移到另一条线路上的站点 j 需要花费时间 t i,j 。每条装配线的进入时间 e i 和退出时间 x i 对于两条生产线可能是不同的。给出一种算法,用于计算构建汽车底盘所需的最短时间。



  • 两条装配线 1 和 2,每条装配线的位置从 1 到 n。
  • 汽车底盘必须按顺序(从两条装配线中的任何一条) 穿过所有站点,从 1 到 n。即,如果它们不在一个移动距离,它就不能从站 i 跳到站 j。
  • 轿厢底盘可以在同一条直线上向前移动一个工位,也可以在另一条直线上对角移动一个工位。从线路 i 移至站点 j 会产生额外的费用 ti,j。在同一行中移动不会产生任何费用。
  • 在第 i 行的第 j 站所花费的时间为 i,j
  • S i,j 代表线 i 上的站点 j。


如果第(i-1) 个阶乘是已知的,我们可以很容易地找到第 i 个阶乘。我们可以在这里申请类似的基础吗?
如果已知底盘离开站点 S i,j-1的最短时间则可以通过组合 a i,j 和 t i,j 来快速计算离开站点 S i,j 的最短时间。

  • T1(j) 表示汽车底盘离开装配线 1 上的工位 j 所需的最短时间。
  • T2(j) 表示汽车底盘离开装配线 2 上的工位 j 所需的最短时间。


进入时间 e i 仅在汽车底盘进入汽车制造厂时才显示出来。
离开 1 号线的第一个车站所需的时间由下式给出:

T1(1)= 1 号线的进入时间+在 S 1,1站花费的时间
T1(1)= e 1 + a 1,1

同样,第 2 行离开第一站的时间由下式给出:

T2(1)= e 2 + a 2,1


站点 S 1,j的轿厢底盘可以来自站点 S 1,j-1 或站点 S 2,j-1

情况 1:它的前一站是 S 1,j-1
离开车站 S 1,j的最短时间由下式给出:

T1(j)=离开 S 1,j-1站所花费的最短时间+在 S 1,j站所花费的时间
T1(j)= T1(j-1)+ a 1,j

情况 2:它的前一个电台是 S 2,j-1
离开车站 S1 的最短时间 j 为:

T1(j)=离开 S 2,j-1 所需的最短时间+更换装配线所产生的额外费用+在 S 1,j 所花费的时间
T1(j)= T2(j-1)+ t 2,j + a 1,j

最小时间 T1(j) 由在情况#1 和#2 中获得的两者中的最小值给出。

T1(j)= min((T1(j-1)+ a 1,j ),(T2(j-1)+ t 2,j + a 1,j ))

同样,到达站点 S2 j 的最短时间由下式给出:

T2(j)= min((T2(j-1)+ a 2,j ),(T1(j-1)+ t 1,j + a 2,j ))


Tmin = min(离开车站 S i,n 所需的时间+离开汽车工厂所需的时间)
Tmin = min(T1(n)+ x 1 ,T2(n)+ x 2 )


上述递归表现出重叠的子问题。有两种到达车站 S 1,j 的方式:

  1. 从 S 1,j-1
  2. 从 S 2 ,j-1

因此,要找到离开站点 S 1的最短时间,必须计算离开前两个站点的最短时间(如上递归所述)。

同样,有两种方法可以到达站点 S 2,j

  1. 从 S 2 ,j-1
  2. 从 S 1,j-1

请注意,已经计算出离开车站 S 1,j-1和 S 2,j-1的最短时间。

笔记:在这篇文章中,使用了 离开 一词来代替 到达,以避免混淆。由于汽车底盘必须在每个站点上花费固定的时间,因此“离开”这个词比较合适。



// A C++ program to find minimum possible
// time by the car chassis to complete
using namespace std;
#define NUM_LINE 2
#define NUM_STATION 4
// Utility function to find a minimum of two numbers
int min(int a, int b)
    return a < b ? a : b;
int carAssembly(int a[][NUM_STATION],
                int t[][NUM_STATION],
                int *e, int *x)
    int T1[NUM_STATION], T2[NUM_STATION], i;
    // time taken to leave first station in line 1
    T1[0] = e[0] + a[0][0];
    // time taken to leave first station in line 2
    T2[0] = e[1] + a[1][0];
    // Fill tables T1[] and T2[] using the
    // above given recursive relations
    for (i = 1; i < NUM_STATION; ++i)
        T1[i] = min(T1[i - 1] + a[0][i],
                    T2[i - 1] + t[1][i] + a[0][i]);
        T2[i] = min(T2[i - 1] + a[1][i],
                    T1[i - 1] + t[0][i] + a[1][i]);
    // Consider exit times and retutn minimum
    return min(T1[NUM_STATION - 1] + x[0],
               T2[NUM_STATION - 1] + x[1]);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int a[][NUM_STATION] = {{4, 5, 3, 2},
                            {2, 10, 1, 4}};
    int t[][NUM_STATION] = {{0, 7, 4, 5},
                            {0, 9, 2, 8}};
    int e[] = {10, 12}, x[] = {18, 7};
    cout << carAssembly(a, t, e, x);
    return 0;
// This is code is contributed by rathbhupendra


// A C program to find minimum possible time by the car chassis to complete
#define NUM_LINE 2
#define NUM_STATION 4
// Utility function to find minimum of two numbers
int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
int carAssembly(int a[][NUM_STATION], int t[][NUM_STATION], int *e, int *x)
    int T1[NUM_STATION], T2[NUM_STATION], i;
    T1[0] = e[0] + a[0][0]; // time taken to leave first station in line 1
    T2[0] = e[1] + a[1][0]; // time taken to leave first station in line 2
    // Fill tables T1[] and T2[] using the above given recursive relations
    for (i = 1; i < NUM_STATION; ++i)
        T1[i] = min(T1[i-1] + a[0][i], T2[i-1] + t[1][i] + a[0][i]);
        T2[i] = min(T2[i-1] + a[1][i], T1[i-1] + t[0][i] + a[1][i]);
    // Consider exit times and retutn minimum
    return min(T1[NUM_STATION-1] + x[0], T2[NUM_STATION-1] + x[1]);
int main()
    int a[][NUM_STATION] = {{4, 5, 3, 2},
                {2, 10, 1, 4}};
    int t[][NUM_STATION] = {{0, 7, 4, 5},
                {0, 9, 2, 8}};
    int e[] = {10, 12}, x[] = {18, 7};
    printf("%d", carAssembly(a, t, e, x));
    return 0;


// A java program to find minimum possible
// time by the car chassis to complete
import java.io.*;
class GFG
    static int NUM_LINE = 2;
    static int NUM_STATION = 4;
    // Utility function to find minimum of two numbers
    static int min(int a, int b)
        return a < b ? a : b;
    static int carAssembly(int a[][], int t[][], int e[], int x[])
        int T1[]= new int [NUM_STATION];
        int T2[] =new int[NUM_STATION] ;
        int i;
        // time taken to leave first station in line 1
        T1[0] = e[0] + a[0][0];
        // time taken to leave first station in line 2
        T2[0] = e[1] + a[1][0];
        // Fill tables T1[] and T2[] using
        // the above given recursive relations
        for (i = 1; i < NUM_STATION; ++i)
            T1[i] = min(T1[i - 1] + a[0][i],
                    T2[i - 1] + t[1][i] + a[0][i]);
            T2[i] = min(T2[i - 1] + a[1][i],
                    T1[i - 1] + t[0][i] + a[1][i]);
        // Consider exit times and retutn minimum
        return min(T1[NUM_STATION-1] + x[0],
                    T2[NUM_STATION-1] + x[1]);
    // Driver code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int a[][] = {{4, 5, 3, 2},
                    {2, 10, 1, 4}};
        int t[][] = {{0, 7, 4, 5},
                    {0, 9, 2, 8}};
        int e[] = {10, 12}, x[] = {18, 7};
        System.out.println(carAssembly(a, t, e, x));   
// This code is contributed by vt_m

Python 3

# Python program to find minimum possible
# time by the car chassis to complete
def carAssembly (a, t, e, x):
    NUM_STATION = len(a[0])
    T1 = [0 for i in range(NUM_STATION)]
    T2 = [0 for i in range(NUM_STATION)]
    T1[0] = e[0] + a[0][0] # time taken to leave
                           # first station in line 1
    T2[0] = e[1] + a[1][0] # time taken to leave
                           # first station in line 2
    # Fill tables T1[] and T2[] using
    # above given recursive relations
    for i in range(1, NUM_STATION):
        T1[i] = min(T1[i-1] + a[0][i],
                    T2[i-1] + t[1][i] + a[0][i])
        T2[i] = min(T2[i-1] + a[1][i],
                    T1[i-1] + t[0][i] + a[1][i] )
    # consider exit times and return minimum
    return min(T1[NUM_STATION - 1] + x[0],
               T2[NUM_STATION - 1] + x[1])
a = [[4, 5, 3, 2],
     [2, 10, 1, 4]]
t = [[0, 7, 4, 5],
     [0, 9, 2, 8]]
e = [10, 12]
x = [18, 7]
print(carAssembly(a, t, e, x))
# This code is contributed by Soumen Ghosh


// A C# program to find minimum possible
// time by the car chassis to complete
using System;
class GFG {
    static int NUM_STATION = 4;
    // Utility function to find minimum
    // of two numbers
    static int min(int a, int b)
        return a < b ? a : b;
    static int carAssembly(int [,]a, int [,]t,
                             int []e, int []x)
        int []T1= new int [NUM_STATION];
        int []T2 =new int[NUM_STATION] ;
        int i;
        // time taken to leave first station
        // in line 1
        T1[0] = e[0] + a[0,0];
        // time taken to leave first station
        // in line 2
        T2[0] = e[1] + a[1,0];
        // Fill tables T1[] and T2[] using
        // the above given recursive relations
        for (i = 1; i < NUM_STATION; ++i)
            T1[i] = min(T1[i - 1] + a[0,i],
                  T2[i - 1] + t[1,i] + a[0,i]);
            T2[i] = min(T2[i - 1] + a[1,i],
                  T1[i - 1] + t[0,i] + a[1,i]);
        // Consider exit times and retutn
        // minimum
        return min(T1[NUM_STATION-1] + x[0],
                    T2[NUM_STATION-1] + x[1]);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main ()
        int [,]a = { {4, 5, 3, 2},
                     {2, 10, 1, 4} };
        int [,]t = { {0, 7, 4, 5},
                     {0, 9, 2, 8} };
        int []e = {10, 12};
        int []x = {18, 7};
        Console.Write(carAssembly(a, t, e, x));
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.


// A space optimized solution for
// assembly line scheduling
using namespace std;
int carAssembly(int a[][4],
                int t[][4],
                int *e, int *x)
    int first, second, i;
    // Time taken to leave first
    // station in line 1
    first = e[0] + a[0][0];
    // Time taken to leave first
    // station in line 2
    second = e[1] + a[1][0];
    // Fill tables T1[] and T2[] using the
    // above given recursive relations
    for(i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
        int up =  min(first + a[0][i],
                     second + t[1][i] +
        int down = min(second + a[1][i],
                        first + t[0][i] +
        first = up;
        second = down;
    // Consider exit times and
    // return minimum
    return min(first + x[0],
              second + x[1]);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int a[][4] = { { 4, 5, 3, 2 },
                   { 2, 10, 1, 4 } };
    int t[][4] = { { 0, 7, 4, 5 },
                   { 0, 9, 2, 8 } };
    int e[] = { 10, 12 }, x[] = { 18, 7 };
    cout << carAssembly(a, t, e, x);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by chitrasingla2001


// A space optimized solution for assembly line scheduling
public class AssemblyLine {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a[][] = {{4, 5, 3, 2},
                {2, 10, 1, 4}};
        int t[][] = {{0, 7, 4, 5},
                {0, 9, 2, 8}};
        int e[] = {10, 12}, x[] = {18, 7};
        System.out.println(carAssembleTime(a, t, e, x));
    public static int carAssembleTime(int a[][], int t[][],
                                       int e[], int x[]) {
        int n = a[0].length;
        // time taken to leave first station in line 1 
        int first = e[0] + a[0][0];
        // time taken to leave first station in line 2
        int second = e[1] + a[1][0];
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            int up = Math.min(first + a[0][i],
                    second + t[1][i] + a[0][i]),
                    down = Math.min(second + a[1][i],
                            first + t[0][i] + a[1][i]);
            first = up;
            second = down;
        first += x[0];
        second += x[1];
        return Math.min(first, second);

Python 3

# A space optimized solution for assembly
# line scheduling in Python3
def carAssembleTime(a, t, e, x):
    n = len(a[0])
    # Time taken to leave first station
    # in line 1
    first = e[0] + a[0][0]
    # Time taken to leave first station
    # in line 2
    second = e[1] + a[1][0]
    for i in range(1, n):
        up = min(first + a[0][i],
                 second + t[1][i] + a[0][i])
        down = min(second + a[1][i],
                   first + t[0][i] + a[1][i])
        first, second = up, down
    first += x[0]
    second += x[1]
    return min(first, second)
# Driver Code
a = [ [ 4, 5, 3, 2 ], [ 2, 10, 1, 4 ] ]
t = [ [ 0, 7, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 9, 2, 8 ] ]
e = [ 10, 12 ]
x = [ 18, 7 ]
print(carAssembleTime(a, t, e, x))
# This code is contributed by Prateek Gupta


// A space optimized solution for
// assembly line scheduling
using System;
class GFG{
static int carAssembleTime(int[,] a, int[,] t,
                           int[] e, int[] x)
    int n = a.GetLength(1);
    // Time taken to leave first station in line 1 
    int first = e[0] + a[0, 0];
    // Time taken to leave first station in line 2
    int second = e[1] + a[1, 0];
    for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        int up = Math.Min(first + a[0, i],
               second + t[1, i] + a[0, i]),
            down = Math.Min(second + a[1, i],
                   first + t[0, i] + a[1, i]);
        first = up;
        second = down;
    first += x[0];
    second += x[1];
    return Math.Min(first, second);
// Driver Code
static void Main()
    int[,] a = { { 4, 5, 3, 2 },
                 { 2, 10, 1, 4 } };
    int[,] t = { { 0, 7, 4, 5 },
                 { 0, 9, 2, 8 } };
    int[] e = { 10, 12 }, x = { 18, 7 };
    Console.WriteLine(carAssembleTime(a, t, e, x));
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07





// A space optimized solution for
// assembly line scheduling
using namespace std;
int carAssembly(int a[][4],
                int t[][4],
                int *e, int *x)
    int first, second, i;
    // Time taken to leave first
    // station in line 1
    first = e[0] + a[0][0];
    // Time taken to leave first
    // station in line 2
    second = e[1] + a[1][0];
    // Fill tables T1[] and T2[] using the
    // above given recursive relations
    for(i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
        int up =  min(first + a[0][i],
                     second + t[1][i] +
        int down = min(second + a[1][i],
                        first + t[0][i] +
        first = up;
        second = down;
    // Consider exit times and
    // return minimum
    return min(first + x[0],
              second + x[1]);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int a[][4] = { { 4, 5, 3, 2 },
                   { 2, 10, 1, 4 } };
    int t[][4] = { { 0, 7, 4, 5 },
                   { 0, 9, 2, 8 } };
    int e[] = { 10, 12 }, x[] = { 18, 7 };
    cout << carAssembly(a, t, e, x);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by chitrasingla2001


// A space optimized solution for assembly line scheduling
public class AssemblyLine {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a[][] = {{4, 5, 3, 2},
                {2, 10, 1, 4}};
        int t[][] = {{0, 7, 4, 5},
                {0, 9, 2, 8}};
        int e[] = {10, 12}, x[] = {18, 7};
        System.out.println(carAssembleTime(a, t, e, x));
    public static int carAssembleTime(int a[][], int t[][],
                                       int e[], int x[]) {
        int n = a[0].length;
        // time taken to leave first station in line 1 
        int first = e[0] + a[0][0];
        // time taken to leave first station in line 2
        int second = e[1] + a[1][0];
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            int up = Math.min(first + a[0][i],
                    second + t[1][i] + a[0][i]),
                    down = Math.min(second + a[1][i],
                            first + t[0][i] + a[1][i]);
            first = up;
            second = down;
        first += x[0];
        second += x[1];
        return Math.min(first, second);


# A space optimized solution for assembly
# line scheduling in Python3
def carAssembleTime(a, t, e, x):
    n = len(a[0])
    # Time taken to leave first station
    # in line 1
    first = e[0] + a[0][0]
    # Time taken to leave first station
    # in line 2
    second = e[1] + a[1][0]
    for i in range(1, n):
        up = min(first + a[0][i],
                 second + t[1][i] + a[0][i])
        down = min(second + a[1][i],
                   first + t[0][i] + a[1][i])
        first, second = up, down
    first += x[0]
    second += x[1]
    return min(first, second)
# Driver Code
a = [ [ 4, 5, 3, 2 ], [ 2, 10, 1, 4 ] ]
t = [ [ 0, 7, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 9, 2, 8 ] ]
e = [ 10, 12 ]
x = [ 18, 7 ]
print(carAssembleTime(a, t, e, x))
# This code is contributed by Prateek Gupta


// A space optimized solution for
// assembly line scheduling
using System;
class GFG{
static int carAssembleTime(int[,] a, int[,] t,
                           int[] e, int[] x)
    int n = a.GetLength(1);
    // Time taken to leave first station in line 1 
    int first = e[0] + a[0, 0];
    // Time taken to leave first station in line 2
    int second = e[1] + a[1, 0];
    for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        int up = Math.Min(first + a[0, i],
               second + t[1, i] + a[0, i]),
            down = Math.Min(second + a[1, i],
                   first + t[0, i] + a[1, i]);
        first = up;
        second = down;
    first += x[0];
    second += x[1];
    return Math.Min(first, second);
// Driver Code
static void Main()
    int[,] a = { { 4, 5, 3, 2 },
                 { 2, 10, 1, 4 } };
    int[,] t = { { 0, 7, 4, 5 },
                 { 0, 9, 2, 8 } };
    int[] e = { 10, 12 }, x = { 18, 7 };
    Console.WriteLine(carAssembleTime(a, t, e, x));
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07




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