Python 3.5 中 async 和 await 怎么会工作呢?
作为 Python 的一名核心开发者使得我想要了解这个语言一般是怎样工作的。我意识到,总会有一些我不知道每一个复杂细节的不起眼的角落,但是为了能够帮助解决问题以及 Python 的一般设计,我觉得我应该尝试了解它的核心语义,以及在引擎下,一切是怎样工作的。
但是,直到现在,我都不清楚 async
/ await
是如何在 Python 3.5 工作的 。我知道, Python 3.3 中的 yield from
与 Python 3.4 中的 asyncio
结合起来,从而导致了这种新的语法。但是话说不是做了一堆网络的东西 - asyncio
并不局限于,但是重点在于 -- 已经导致我并不真的十分重视 async
/ await
yield from iterator
for x in iterator:
yield x
而且我知道, asyncio
是一个事件循环框架,它允许异步编程,并且我知道那些词(基本上)自己意味着自己。不过话说从未深入 async
/ await
语法来了解这一切是怎么走到了一起的,我觉得我不理解 Python 中的异步编程,这困扰着我。所以,我决定花时间,并设法弄清楚到底这一切是如何工作的。因为我已经从不同的人听到,他们也听不懂的异步编程的这个新的世界是如何工作的,所以我决定写这篇文章(是的,这个帖子花费了这么久的时间,并且有这么长的话,以至于我的妻子已标记它为一篇文章)。
现在,因为我想正确理解这个语法是如何工作的,所以这篇文章有一些 CPython 是如何做事的一些低层次的技术细节。如果它比你想了解的拥有更多的细节,或者你不完全了解它,因为我并不解释为了 CPython 内部的每一个细节,以防止这篇文章变成了一本书(例如,如果你不知道那个代码对象有标志,那就不要管一个代码对象是什么,这没关系,你不需要关心从这篇文章获得什么东西),这完全没有关系。我试图在每节的最后提供了一个更方便的摘要,如果它们超出了你要理解的东西,你可以略过细节。
关于 Python 中协程的历史课程
根据 Wikipedia , “ 协程 是非抢先多任务的一般子例程,通过允许多个入口点用于在某些位置挂起和恢复执行的计算机程序组件”。这是一种相当技术的说法,“协同程序是那些你可以暂停执行的函数”。如果你对自己说,“这听起来像生成器”,你可能是正确的。
早在 Python 2.2 中,生成器首先被 PEP 255 引入(自从生成器实现了 迭代器协议 后,它们也被称作生成器迭代器)。主要受 Icon 编程语言 启发,生成器允许创建迭代器的一种方式,也就是当在迭代过程中计算下一个值时,并不会浪费内存。举例来说,如果你想创建自己的 range()
def eager_range(up_to):
"""Create a list of integers, from 0 to up_to, exclusive."""
sequence = []
index = 0
while index < up_to:
index += 1
return sequence
但是,这样做的问题是,如果你想有一个大的序列,例如从 0 到 1,000,000 的整数,那么你必须创建一个足够长的列表来保存 1,000,000 个整数。但是,当生成器被添加到语言中时,你突然可以创建一个不需要事先创建整个序列的迭代器。相反,所有你必须做的事是,每次都有足够的内存来保存一个整数。
def lazy_range(up_to):
"""Generator to return the sequence of integers from 0 to up_to, exclusive."""
index = 0
while index < up_to:
yield index
index += 1
拥有一个无论何时碰到 yield
表达式时都会暂停它所在做的事 -- 虽然它是从 Python 2.5 开始才有的声明 -- 然后稍后能够恢复它的函数,对于使用更少的内存,允许无限序列的想法等等,都非常有用。
但是,正如你可能已经注意到的,生成器都是关于迭代器的。现在,有一个更好的方式来创建迭代器显然是非常棒的(并且当你在一个作为生成器的对象上定义一个 __iter__()
方法,这会显示出来),但人们知道,如果我们采用了生成器的 暂停
一部分,并且增加一个 发送东西回来
的概念给它们,Python 将会突然有协同程序的概念(但直到我说不然,这一切都只是在 Python 中的一个概念,后面将讨论 Python 中具体的协同程序)。感谢 PEP 342 ,将东西发送给一个已暂停的生成器这一确切功能已经被添加到 Python 2.5 中。此外,PEP 342 引进了生成器上的 send()
方法。这使得它不仅暂停生成器,而且发送值回生成器暂停的地方。进一步考虑我们的 range()
def jumping_range(up_to):
"""Generator for the sequence of integers from 0 to up_to, exclusive.
Sending a value into the generator will shift the sequence by that amount.
index = 0
while index < up_to:
jump = yield index
if jump is None:
jump = 1
index += jump
if __name__ == '__main__':
iterator = jumping_range(5)
print(next(iterator)) # 0
print(iterator.send(2)) # 2
print(next(iterator)) # 3
print(iterator.send(-1)) # 2
for x in iterator:
print(x) # 3, 4
生成器并未与之划清界限,直到当 PEP 380 将 yield from
加入到 Python 3.3 时。严格来说,这个特性使你能够通过容易的从迭代器中 yield 每一个值(碰巧,生成器可以方便做到),从而以一种干净的方法重构生成器。
def lazy_range(up_to):
"""Generator to return the sequence of integers from 0 to up_to, exclusive."""
index = 0
def gratuitous_refactor():
while index < up_to:
yield index
index += 1
yield from gratuitous_refactor()
通过使得重构更加容易, yield from
def bottom():
# Returning the yield lets the value that goes up the call stack to come right back
# down.
return (yield 42)
def middle():
return (yield from bottom())
def top():
return (yield from middle())
# Get the generator.
gen = top()
value = next(gen)
print(value) # Prints '42'.
value = gen.send(value * 2)
except StopIteration as exc:
value = exc.value
print(value) # Prints '84'.
Python 2.2 中的生成器会暂停代码的执行。一旦在 Python 2.5 中引入将值发送回已暂停的生成器,Python 中协程的概念变成可能。而在 Python 3.3 中额外增加的 yield from
如果你将在意 async
/ await
,那么了解一个事件循环是什么,以及它们是如何使得异步编程成为可能的至关重要。如果你之前完成了 GUI 编程,包括 web 前端工作,那么你已经使用了事件循环了。但是,由于作为一个语言结构,具有异步编程的概念在 Python 中是新的,所以如果你不知道事件循环是什么,那么没关系。
让我们回到维基百科,一个 事件循环 “是一种编程结构,它等待并调度呈现中的事件或消息”。基本上,一个事件循环让你这样进行:当 A 发生的时候,做 B。也许来解释这个的最简单的例子是在每一个浏览器中的 JavaScript 事件循环。
每当你点击某个东西(“当 A 发生时”),点击会被提交给 JavaScript 事件循环,以检查是否有任何注册的 onclick
来处理该点击(“做 B”)。如果有任何注册的回调,那么会随着点击的详细信息调用回调。事件循环被认为是一个循环,因为它在不断收集事件并遍历它们从而找到如何处理该事件。
在 Python 的情况下, asyncio
被添加到标准库以提供一个事件循环。有一个关注于网络的 asyncio
,它在事件循环的背景下,使“当 A 发生时”成为当来自于一个 socket 的 I/O 准备好读和/或写(通过 selectors
模块 ) 时。除了GUI 和 I/O,事件循环也经常用于在另一个线程或子进程中执行代码,并让事件循环充当调度器(即, 协同多任务 )。如果你碰巧了解 Python 的 GIL,那么事件循环在释放 GIL 是可能的和有用的情况下,是非常有用的。
事件循环提供了一个循环,使得,“当 A 发生时,然后做 B”。基本上,一个事件循环监控某些事情何时发生,以及该事件循环关心的事情何时发生,然后它调用关心发生的事情的代码。在 Python 3.4 中,以 asyncio
的形式,Python 在标准库中获得了一个事件循环。
和 await
它在 Python 3.4 中的方式
在 Python 3.3 中发现的生成器和以 asyncio
形式出现的事件循环之间,Python 3.4 足以支持 并发编程 形式的异步编程。异步编程是基本的编程,其中执行顺序是事先不知道的(因此异步代替了同步)。并发编程是编写代码来独立执行其他部分,即使它都是在单个线程中执行( 并发并不是平行 )。例如,下面的 Python 3.4 代码是在两个异步,并行函数调用中按秒倒计时。
import asyncio
# Borrowed from
def countdown(number, n):
while n > 0:
print('T-minus', n, '({})'.format(number))
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
n -= 1
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks = [
asyncio.ensure_future(countdown("A", 2)),
asyncio.ensure_future(countdown("B", 3))]
在 Python 3.4 中, asyncio.coroutine
装饰器 被用于标记一个函数为一个 协程 ,它意味着使用 asyncio
及其事件循环。这提供了 Python 协同程序的第一个具体定义:一个对象,它实现了 PEP 342 中添加到生成器的方法,并且由
抽象基类 所表示。这意味着,突然之间,所有的生成器都实现了协程接口,即使它们并不是以那种方式使用。要解决这个问题, asyncio
要求所有打算作为协程使用的生成器都必须 用 asyncio.coroutine
装饰 。
随着协程的这个具体的定义(这与生成器提供的一个 API 相匹配),你可以在任何 asyncio.Future
对象 上使用 yield from
,来将它传递到事件循环中,当你等待某些事发生的时候暂停协程的执行(作为一个未来对象,它是 asyncio
的实现细节,并且它并不重要)。一旦未来对象到达事件循环,它会被监控,直到未来的对象做完了它需要做的事。一旦未来对象做完了它需要做的事,事件循环会注意到,然后暂停以等待未来的结果的协程再次启动,而其结果发回给使用 send()
就拿上面的例子来说。事件循环开始每个 countdown()
协程调用,执行,直到它碰到其中的 yield from
和 asyncio.sleep()
函数。它返回一个 asyncio.Future
对象,该对象被传递到事件循环中,并暂停协程的执行。在那里,事件循环监控 Future 对象,直到一秒结束(以及检查它所监控的其他东西,例如其他协程)。
一旦一秒结束,该事件循环接收提供给它 Future 对象的已暂停的 countdown()
协程,将 Future 对象的结果发送回最初给它 Future 对象的协程,然后协程再次开始运行。继续,直到所有的 countdown()
协同程序完成运行,而事件循环没有需要监控的东西为止。实际上,稍后我将用一个完整的例子来告诉你所有这些协同程序/事件循环如何准确工作,但我想先解释 async
和 await
在 Python 3.5 中,从 yield from
到 await
在 Python 3.4 中,出于异步编程目的而被标记为一个协同程序的函数看起来像这样:
# This also works in Python 3.5.
def py34_coro():
yield from stuff()
在 Python 3.5 中, types.coroutine
装饰器 也被添加,以用于像协程(例如, asyncio.coroutine
)一样标记一个生成器。你也可以使用 async def
在语义上定义一个函数为一个协程,即使它并不包含任何形式的 yield
表达式;只有 return
和 await
async def py35_coro():
await stuff()
虽然, async
和 types.coroutine
做的一个关键的事情是为了严格定义协程。它将协程从单纯的一个接口变成一个确切的类型,使得任何生成器与意指协程的生成器之间的区别更加严格(而 inspect.iscoroutine()
函数 则更为严格,在此函数中,必须使用 async
你还会注意到,不仅仅是 async
,Python 3.5 例子引进了 await
表达式(这只在 async def
中有效)。虽然 await
操作起来非常像 yield from
,但是 await
表达式可接受的对象是不同的。在定义上, await
表达式允许协程,因为协同程序的概念为其根本。但是,当你在一个对象上调用 await
时,在技术上,它需要是一个 awaitable
对象 :一个对象,它定义了一个 __await__()
方法,该方法返回一个不是协程自身的迭代器。协同程序本身也被认为是 awaitable 对象(这就是为什么
继承)。这个定义遵循了 Python 的一个传统,即使大多数的语法构造转换成引擎下的方法调用,就像 a + b
是引擎下的 a.__add__(b)
或者 b.__radd__(a)
在较低的层次上, yield from
和 await
的区别是怎样的(例如,带有 types.coroutine
的生成器对比带有 async def
的生成器)?让我们来看看上面两个 Python 3.5 的例子的字节码来获得具体细节。 py34_coro()
>>> dis.dis(py34_coro)
2 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (stuff)
3 CALL_FUNCTION 0 (0 positional, 0 keyword pair)
7 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
12 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
>>> dis.dis(py35_coro)
1 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (stuff)
3 CALL_FUNCTION 0 (0 positional, 0 keyword pair)
7 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
12 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
忽略因为 py34_coro()
拥有 asyncio.coroutine
装饰器带来的行号的差别,它们之间唯一可见的区别是 GET_YIELD_FROM_ITER
操作码 。这两个函数都被恰当的标记为协程,所以那里没有区别。
,它只是检查它的参数是否是一个生成器或一个协程,否则,在其参数上调用 iter()
(对于 yield from
,通过操作码接受一个协程对象只有当从协程内部使用该操作码时才被允许,在这种情况下,这是真的,这多亏了 types.coroutine
装饰器标记了该生成器,并且同样地在 C 层次上对代码对象使用 CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
则有点不同。虽然字节码将接受一个像 GET_YIELD_FROM_ITER
的协程,但是它不会接受一个没有被标记为协同程序的生成器。虽然协程之外,字节码会像之前讨论的那样接受一个 awaitable
对象。这使得 yield from
表达式和 await
表达式都接受协程,从产生表情和等待分别表达均接受协程,而差异在于它们是否分别接受普通生成器或者 awaitable 对象。
你可能会奇怪,为什么一个什么样的区别异步基于协同程序和基于发电机协同程序将在各自的暂停表情接受吗?造成这种情况的重要原因是要确保你不要弄乱,不慎混合和匹配对象恰好有相同的 API 来最好的 Python 的能力。由于发电机本身实施协程 API 的话,那就很容易意外地使用发电机当你真正希望使用一个协同程序。而且,由于不是所有的发电机都写在一个基于协程控制流程中使用,你需要避免不慎使用发电机不正确。
但是,由于 Python 是不是静态编译,使用生成自定义协程的时候最好的语言可以提供的是运行时检查。这意味着,当 types.coroutine 时,Python 的编译器不能判断一台发电机将被用来作为协程或只是一个普通的发电机(记住,只是因为语法说 types.coroutine,这并不意味着一个人不是招'吨前面做类型=垃圾更早版本),并且有不同的限制从而不同的操作码由基于它具有的时间知识编译器射出。
You may be wondering why the difference between what an async
-based coroutine and a generator-based coroutine will accept in their respective pausing expressions? The key reason for this is to make sure you don't mess up and accidentally mix and match objects that just happen to have the same API to the best of Python's abilities. Since generators inherently implement the API for coroutines then it would be easy to accidentally use a generator when you actually expected to be using a coroutine. And since not all generators are written to be used in a coroutine-based control flow, you need to avoid accidentally using a generator incorrectly.
But since Python is not statically compiled, the best the language can offer is runtime checks when using a generator-defined coroutine. This means that when types.coroutine
is used, Python's compiler can't tell if a generator is going to be used as a coroutine or just a plain generator (remember, just because the syntax says types.coroutine
that doesn't mean someone hasn't earlier done types = spam
earlier), and thus different opcodes that have different restrictions are emitted by the compiler based on the knowledge it has at the time.
One very key point I want to make about the difference between a generator-based coroutine and an async
one is that only generator-based coroutines can actually pause execution and force something to be sent down to the event loop. You typically don't see this very important detail because you usually call event loop-specific functions like the asyncio.sleep()
function since event loops implement their own APIs and these are the kind of functions that have to worry about this little detail.
For the vast majority of us, we will work with event loops rather than be writing them and thus only be writing async
coroutines and never need to really care about this. But if you're like me and were wondering why you couldn't write something like asyncio.sleep()
using only async
coroutines, this can be quite the "aha!" moment.
Let's summarize all of this into simpler terms. Defining a method with async def
makes it a coroutine. The other way to make a coroutine is to flag a generator with types.coroutine
-- technically the flag is the CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
flag on a code object -- or a subclass of
. You can only make a coroutine call chain pause with a generator-based coroutine.
An awaitable object is either a coroutine or an object that defines __await__()
-- technically
-- which returns an iterator that is not a coroutine. An await
expression is basically yield from
but with restrictions of only working with awaitable objects (plain generators will not work with an await
An async
function is a coroutine that either has return
statements -- including the implicit return None
at the end of every function in Python -- and/or await
expressions ( yield
expressions are not allowed). The restrictions for async
functions is to make sure you don't accidentally mix and match generator-based coroutines with other generators since the expected use of the two types of generators are rather different.
对于异步编程,想想作为 API 的 async
/ await
A key thing that I want to point out is actually something I didn't really think deeply about until I watched David Beazley's Python Brasil 2015 keynote . In that talk, David pointed out that async
/ await
is really an API for asynchronous programming (which he reiterated to me on Twitter ). What David means by this is that people shouldn't think that async
/ await
as synonymous with asyncio
, but instead think that asyncio
is a framework that can utilize the async
/ await
API for asynchronous programming.
David actually believes this idea of async
/ await
being an asynchronous programming API that he has created the curio
project to implement his own event loop. This has helped make it clear to me that async
/ await
allows Python to provide the building blocks for asynchronous programming, but without tying you to a specific event loop or other low-level details (unlike other programming languages which integrate the event loop into the language directly).
This allows for projects like curio
to not only operate differently at a lower level (e.g., asyncio
uses future objects as the API for talking to its event loop while curio
uses tuples), but to also have different focuses and performance characteristics (e.g., asyncio
has an entire framework for implementing transport and protocol layers which makes it extensible while curio
is simpler and expects the user to worry about that kind of thing but also allows it to run faster).
Based on the (short) history of asynchronous programming in Python, it's understandable that people might think that async
/ await
== asyncio
. I mean asyncio
was what helped make asynchronous programming possible in Python 3.4 and was a motivating factor for adding async
/ await
in Python 3.5. But the design of async
/ await
is purposefully flexible enough to not require asyncio
or contort any critical design decision just for that framework. In other words, async
/ await
continues Python's tradition of designing things to be as flexible as possible while still being pragmatic to use (and implement).
At this point your head might be awash with new terms and concepts, making it a little hard to fully grasp how all of this is supposed to work to provide you asynchronous programming. To help make it all much more concrete, here is a complete (if contrived) asynchronous programming example, end-to-end from event loop and associated functions to user code. The example has coroutines which represents individual rocket launch countdowns but that appear to be counting down simultaneously . This is asynchronous programming through concurrency; three separate coroutines will be running independently, and yet it will all be done in a single thread.
import datetime
import heapq
import types
import time
class Task:
"""Represent how long a coroutine should wait before starting again.
Comparison operators are implemented for use by heapq. Two-item
tuples unfortunately don't work because when the datetime.datetime
instances are equal, comparison falls to the coroutine and they don't
implement comparison methods, triggering an exception.
Think of this as being like asyncio.Task/curio.Task.
def __init__(self, wait_until, coro):
self.coro = coro
self.waiting_until = wait_until
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.waiting_until == other.waiting_until
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.waiting_until < other.waiting_until
class SleepingLoop:
"""An event loop focused on delaying execution of coroutines.
Think of this as being like asyncio.BaseEventLoop/curio.Kernel.
def __init__(self, *coros):
self._new = coros
self._waiting = []
def run_until_complete(self):
# Start all the coroutines.
for coro in self._new:
wait_for = coro.send(None)
heapq.heappush(self._waiting, Task(wait_for, coro))
# Keep running until there is no more work to do.
while self._waiting:
now =
# Get the coroutine with the soonest resumption time.
task = heapq.heappop(self._waiting)
if now < task.waiting_until:
# We're ahead of schedule; wait until it's time to resume.
delta = task.waiting_until - now
now =
# It's time to resume the coroutine.
wait_until = task.coro.send(now)
heapq.heappush(self._waiting, Task(wait_until, task.coro))
except StopIteration:
# The coroutine is done.
def sleep(seconds):
"""Pause a coroutine for the specified number of seconds.
Think of this as being like asyncio.sleep()/curio.sleep().
now =
wait_until = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
# Make all coroutines on the call stack pause; the need to use `yield`
# necessitates this be generator-based and not an async-based coroutine.
actual = yield wait_until
# Resume the execution stack, sending back how long we actually waited.
return actual - now
async def countdown(label, length, *, delay=0):
"""Countdown a launch for `length` seconds, waiting `delay` seconds.
This is what a user would typically write.
print(label, 'waiting', delay, 'seconds before starting countdown')
delta = await sleep(delay)
print(label, 'starting after waiting', delta)
while length:
print(label, 'T-minus', length)
waited = await sleep(1)
length -= 1
print(label, 'lift-off!')
def main():
"""Start the event loop, counting down 3 separate launches.
This is what a user would typically write.
loop = SleepingLoop(countdown('A', 5), countdown('B', 3, delay=2),
countdown('C', 4, delay=1))
start =
print('Total elapsed time is', - start)
if __name__ == '__main__':
As I said, it's contrived, but if you run this in Python 3.5 you will notice that all three coroutines run independently in a single thread and yet the total amount of time taken to run is about 5 seconds. You can consider Task
, SleepingLoop
, and sleep()
as what an event loop provider like asyncio
and curio
would give you.
For a normal user, only the code in countdown()
and main()
are of importance. As you can see, there is no magic to async
, await
, or this whole asynchronous programming deal; it's just an API that Python provides you to help make this sort of thing easier.
现在我明白个异步编程在 Python 中是如何工作的,我想一直用它!这是一个如此棒的概念,这比你以前使用的线程好太多了。问题是,Python 3.5 是全新的,因此 async
/ await
例如,为了进行 HTTP 请求,你要么必须自己手动(真讨厌)构造 HTTP 请求,使用像 aiohttp
框架 这样的项目,它增加 HTTP 到另一事件循环的顶部(在这种情况下, asyncio
),要么希望更多的项目,像 hyper
library ,不断涌现,以为诸如 HTTP 之类的东西提供抽象,让你使用任何你想要的 I/O 库(虽然不幸的是,目前 hyper
只支持 HTTP/2)。
就个人而言,我希望像 hyper
之类的项目能够成功,这样的话,在从 I/O 获得二进制数据和如何解释二进制数据之间,就有了明确的区分。这种抽象是重要的,因为 Python 中大多数 I/O 库是相当紧地与如何进行 I/O,以及如何处理来自 I/O 的数据耦合在一起。这是 Python 标准库中的 http
包 的一个问题,因为它不具备一个 HTTP 解析器,而是有一个连接对象为你处理所有 I/O 工作。
如果你希望 requests
将支持异步编程,那么 你的希望已经破灭了 ,因为 requests
使用的同步 I/O 内置在它的设计中。这种转变在做异步编程能力使 Python 社区一个机会来修复它有一个问题,没有在网络堆栈的各个层次的抽象。我们有没有被它的振作很难进行异步代码的运行就好像它的同步,所以工具填补空隙的异步编程可以在两个世界的工作。
because the synchronous I/O that requests
uses is baked into its design. This shift in ability to do asynchronous programming gives the Python community a chance to fix a problem it has with not having abstractions at the various layers of the network stack. And we have the perk of it not being hard to make asynchronous code run as if its synchronous, so tools filling the void for asynchronous programming can work in both worlds.
I also hope that Python gains some form of support in async
coroutines for yield
. Maybe this will require yet another keyword (maybe something like anticipate
?), but the fact that you actually can't implement an event loop system with just async
coroutines bothers me. Luckily, it turns out I'm not the only one who thinks this , and since the author of PEP 492 agrees with me, I think there's a chance of getting this quirk removed.
基本上, async
和 await
是我们称之为协同程序的奇特的生成器,并且有对称之为 awaitable 对象以及将普通生成器转换成协程的额外支持。所有这一切一起支持了并发,使得我们对 Python 中的异步编程有了更好的支持。这非常棒,并且并同类方法,例如线程,更容易使用 —— 我用低于 100 行的带注释的 Python 代码写了一个异步编程的端到端例子 —— 同时仍然相当灵活和快速(据 curio FAQ 所示,它比 twisted
快 30-40%,但是比 gevent
慢 10-15%,而所有都用纯 Python 实现;请记住, Python 2 + Twisted 会使用更少的内存,并且比 Go 更容易调试 ,所以只要想象你可以用它做什么就好了!)。 我非常高兴它在 Python 3 中出现,我期待社区能够拥抱它,并帮助刷新在库和框架上对它的支持,这样的话,我们都可以从 Python 的异步编程中受益。
原文: How the heck does async/await work in Python 3.5?
Or, generators let you do neat stuff
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