使用 Python 探索 NFL 选秀

发布于 2025-01-17 12:31:12 字数 34847 浏览 11 评论 0

在读过 三两个 Michael Lopez 关于 NFL 选秀的 文章 后,我决定使用 Python(取代 R),来重现他的分析。


注意 :你可以 在这里 找到这篇文章的 github 仓库。它包括这个 notebook,数据和我所使用的 conda 环境

In [1]:

    %matplotlib inline

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    import pandas as pd

    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup


在我们开始之前,需要一些数据。我们将从 Pro-Football-Reference 那里抓取选秀数据,然后清理它们以进行分析。

我们会使用 BeautifulSoup 来抓取数据,然后将其存储到一个 pandas Dataframe 中。

要感受下该数据,让我们看看 1967 选秀

上面仅是在页面上找到的一小部分选秀表格。我们将提取列标题的第二行以及每个选择的所有信息。虽然采用这种方式,我们还会抓取每个选手的 Pro-Football- Reference 选手页面链接以及大学统计链接。这样,如果将来想要从他们的选手页面抽取数据,就可以做到了。

In [2]:

    # The url we will be scraping
    url_1967 = "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/1967/draft.htm"

    # get the html
    html = urlopen(url_1967)

    # create the BeautifulSoup object
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")


我们的 DataFrame 所需的列标题位于 PFR 表单的列标题的第二行。我们将抓取它,并且为两个额外的球员页面链接添加两个额外的列标题。

In [3]:

    # Extract the necessary values for the column headers from the table
    # and store them as a list
    column_headers = [th.getText() for th in 
                      soup.findAll('tr', limit=2)[1].findAll('th')]

    # Add the two additional column headers for the player links
    column_headers.extend(["Player_NFL_Link", "Player_NCAA_Link"])


使用 CSS 选择器 "#draft tr" ,我们可以很容易地提出数据行。我们基本上做的是,选择 id 值为 "draft" 的 HTML 元素内的表行元素。

谈到查找 CSS 选择器,一个非常有用的工具是 SelectorGadget 。这是一个网络扩展,它允许你点击一个网页的不同元素,然后为那些所选的元素提供 CSS 选择题。

In [4]:

    # The data is found within the table rows of the element with id=draft
    # We want the elements from the 3rd row and on
    table_rows = soup.select("#drafts tr")[2:]

注意到, table_rows 是一个标签元素列表。

In [5]:




In [6]:




In [7]:

    table_rows[0] # take a look at the first row


[BAL]( http://savvastjortjoglou.com/teams/clt/1967_draft.htm "Baltimore olts)
[Bubba Smith]( http://savvastjortjoglou.com/players/S/SmitBu00.htm) 

[Michigan St.]( http://savvastjortjoglou.com/schools/michiganst/) 
[College Stats]( http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/bubba-smith-2.tml) 

td (或者表格数据) 元素内,可以找到对于每个球员,我们所要的数据。

下面,我创建了一个函数,它从 table_rows 中抽取我们想要的数据。注释会带你看到该函数的每个部分做了什么。

In [8]:

    def extract_player_data(table_rows):
        Extract and return the the desired information from the td elements within
        the table rows.
        # create the empty list to store the player data
        player_data = []

        for row in table_rows:  # for each row do the following

            # Get the text for each table data (td) element in the row
            # Some player names end with ' HOF', if they do, get the text excluding
            # those last 4 characters,
            # otherwise get all the text data from the table data
            player_list = [td.get_text()[:-4] if td.get_text().endswith(" HOF") 
                           else td.get_text() for td in row.find_all("td")]

            # there are some empty table rows, which are the repeated 
            # column headers in the table
            # we skip over those rows and and continue the for loop
            if not player_list:

            # Extracting the player links
            # Instead of a list we create a dictionary, this way we can easily
            # match the player name with their pfr url
            # For all "a" elements in the row, get the text
            # NOTE: Same " HOF" text issue as the player_list above
            links_dict = {(link.get_text()[:-4]   # exclude the last 4 characters
                           if link.get_text().endswith(" HOF")  # if they are " HOF"
                           # else get all text, set thet as the dictionary key 
                           # and set the url as the value
                           else link.get_text()) : link["href"] 
                           for link in row.find_all("a", href=True)}

            # The data we want from the dictionary can be extracted using the
            # player's name, which returns us their pfr url, and "College Stats"
            # which returns us their college stats page

            # add the link associated to the player's pro-football-reference page, 
            # or en empty string if there is no link
            player_list.append(links_dict.get(player_list[3], ""))

            # add the link for the player's college stats or an empty string
            # if ther is no link
            player_list.append(links_dict.get("College Stats", ""))

            # Now append the data to list of data

        return player_data

现在,我们可以使用来自 1967 年选秀的数据来创建 DataFrame

In [9]:

    # extract the data we want
    data = extract_player_data(table_rows)

    # and then store it in a DataFrame
    df_1967 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=column_headers)

In [10]:



  RndPickTm PosAgeToAP1PBSt...TDRecYdsTDIntSkCollege/Univ Player_NFL_LinkPlayer_NCAA_Link
011BALBubba SmithDE221976126...      Michigan St.College Stats/players/S/SmitBu00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/bu ...
112MINClint JonesRB221973002...20384310  Michigan St.College Stats/players/J/JoneCl00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/cl ...
213SFOSteve SpurrierQB221976006...2     FloridaCollege Stats/players/S/SpurSt00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/st ...
314MIABob GrieseQB2219802812...7     PurdueCollege Stats/players/G/GrieBo00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/bo ...
415HOUGeorge WebsterLB211976336...    5 Michigan St.College Stats/players/W/WebsGe00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/ge ...

5 rows × 30 columns

抓取自 1967 起所有季度的数据

抓取自 1967 年起所有的选秀数据基本上与上面的过程相同,只是使用一个 for 循环,对每个选秀年进行重复。

当我们遍历年份时,我们会为每一个选秀创建一个 DataFrame ,然后将其附加到 DataFrame 组成的包含所有选秀大列表中。我们也将有一个单独的列表,它会包含任何错误,以及与错误关联的 URL。这将让我们知道我们的爬虫是否有任何问题,以及哪个 url 导致了这个错误。我们还将为抢断(Tackle) 添加一个额外的列。抢断在 1993 年赛季结束后出现,因此,这就是一个我们需要插入到为从 1967 年到 1993 年的选秀创建的 DataFrame 中的列。

In [11]:

    # Create an empty list that will contain all the dataframes
    # (one dataframe for each draft)
    draft_dfs_list = []

    # a list to store any errors that may come up while scraping
    errors_list = []

In [12]:

    # The url template that we pass in the draft year inro
    url_template = "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/ {year}/draft.htm"

    # for each year from 1967 to (and including) 2016
    for year in range(1967, 2017): 

        # Use try/except block to catch and inspect any urls that cause an error
            # get the draft url
            url = url_template.format(year=year)

            # get the html
            html = urlopen(url)

            # create the BeautifulSoup object
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml") 

            # get the column headers
            column_headers = [th.getText() for th in 
                              soup.findAll('tr', limit=2)[1].findAll('th')]
            column_headers.extend(["Player_NFL_Link", "Player_NCAA_Link"])

            # select the data from the table using the '#drafts tr' CSS selector
            table_rows = soup.select("#drafts tr")[2:] 

            # extract the player data from the table rows
            player_data = extract_player_data(table_rows)

            # create the dataframe for the current years draft
            year_df = pd.DataFrame(player_data, columns=column_headers)

            # if it is a draft from before 1994 then add a Tkl column at the 
            # 24th position
            if year < 1994:
                year_df.insert(24, "Tkl", "")

            # add the year of the draft to the dataframe
            year_df.insert(0, "Draft_Yr", year)

            # append the current dataframe to the list of dataframes

        except Exception as e:
            # Store the url and the error it causes in a list
            error =[url, e] 
            # then append it to the list of errors

In [13]:




In [14]:





现在,我们可以连接所有抓取的 DataFrame ,并创建一个大的 DataFrame ,来包含所有的选秀。

In [15]:

    # store all drafts in one DataFrame
    draft_df = pd.concat(draft_dfs_list, ignore_index=True)

In [16]:

    # Take a look at the first few rows


  Draft_YrRndPickTm PosAgeToAP1PB...RecYdsTDTklIntSkCollege/Univ Player_NFL_LinkPlayer_NCAA_Link
0196711BALBubba SmithDE22197612...      Michigan St.College Stats/players/S/SmitBu00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/bu ...
1196712MINClint JonesRB22197300...384310   Michigan St.College Stats/players/J/JoneCl00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/cl ...
2196713SFOSteve SpurrierQB22197600...      FloridaCollege Stats/players/S/SpurSt00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/st ...
3196714MIABob GrieseQB22198028...      PurdueCollege Stats/players/G/GrieBo00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/bo ...
4196715HOUGeorge WebsterLB21197633...    5 Michigan St.College Stats/players/W/WebsGe00.htmhttp://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/ge ...

5 rows × 32 columns


In [17]:

    # get the current column headers from the dataframe as a list
    column_headers = draft_df.columns.tolist()

    # The 5th column header is an empty string, but represesents player names
    column_headers[4] = "Player"

    # Prepend "Rush_" for the columns that represent rushing stats 
    column_headers[19:22] = ["Rush_" + col for col in column_headers[19:22]]

    # Prepend "Rec_" for the columns that reperesent receiving stats
    column_headers[23:25] = ["Rec_" + col for col in column_headers[23:25]]

    # Properly label the defensive int column as "Def_Int"
    column_headers[-6] = "Def_Int"

    # Just use "College" as the column header represent player's colleger or univ
    column_headers[-4] = "College"

    # Take a look at the updated column headers



In [18]:

    # Now assign edited columns to the DataFrame
    draft_df.columns = column_headers

现在,我们搞定了必要的列,让我们将原始数据写入到 CSV 文件中。

In [19]:

    # Write out the raw draft data to the raw_data fold in the data folder
    draft_df.to_csv("data/raw_data/pfr_nfl_draft_data_RAW.csv", index=False)



创建一个 Player ID/Links DataFrame

首先,让我们创建一个单独的 DataFrame ,它包含球员姓名,他们的球员页面链接,以及 Pro-Football-Reference 上的球员 ID。这样,我们就可以有一个单独的 CSV 文件,它仅包含必要的信息,以便于在将来某个时候,为 Pro-Football-Reference 提取单个球员数据。

要从球员链接提取 Pro-Football-Reference 球员 ID,我们将需要使用 正则表达式 。正则表达式是一个字符序列,用来在文本正文中匹配某种模式。我们可以用来匹配球员链接并抽取 ID 的正则表达式如下:



  • 一个 '/' .
  • 后面紧接着 0 或多个字符 (这由 '.*' 字符表示)。
  • 紧接着另一个 '/' (第二个 '/' 字符)。
  • 紧接着 0 或多个字符 (再次, '.*' 字符)。
  • 紧接着另一个 (第三次) '/'
  • 紧接着 0 或多个字符分组 ( '(.*)' 字符)。
    • 这是我们的正则表达式的关键部分。 '()' 在我们想要提取的字符周围创建一个分组。由于球员 ID 位于第三个 '/''.' 之间,因此我们使用 '(.*)' 来抽取在我们的字符串中的那部分发现的所有字符。
  • 接着是 '.' ,球员 ID 后的字符。

我们可以通过将上面的正则表达式传递给 pandas extract 方法,来提取 ID。

In [20]:

    # extract the player id from the player links
    # expand=False returns the IDs as a pandas Series
    player_ids = draft_df.Player_NFL_Link.str.extract("/.*/.*/(.*)\.", 

In [21]:

    # add a Player_ID column to our draft_df
    draft_df["Player_ID"] = player_ids

In [22]:

    # add the beginning of the pfr url to the player link column
    pfr_url = "http://www.pro-football-reference.com"
    draft_df.Player_NFL_Link =  pfr_url + draft_df.Player_NFL_Link

现在,我们可以保存一个仅包含球员姓名、ID 和链接的 DataFrame 了。

In [23]:

    # Get the Player name, IDs, and links
    player_id_df = draft_df.loc[:, ["Player", "Player_ID", "Player_NFL_Link", 
    # Save them to a CSV file


现在,我们完成了对球员 ID 的处理,让我们回到处理选秀数据。


In [24]:

    # drop the the player links and the column labeled by an empty string
    draft_df.drop(draft_df.columns[-4:-1], axis=1, inplace=True)


In [25]:


    Int64Index: 15845 entries, 0 to 15844
    Data columns (total 30 columns):
    Draft_Yr     15845 non-null int64
    Rnd          15845 non-null object
    Pick         15845 non-null object
    Tm           15845 non-null object
    Player       15845 non-null object
    Pos          15845 non-null object
    Age          15845 non-null object
    To           15845 non-null object
    AP1          15845 non-null object
    PB           15845 non-null object
    St           15845 non-null object
    CarAV        15845 non-null object
    DrAV         15845 non-null object
    G            15845 non-null object
    Cmp          15845 non-null object
    Att          15845 non-null object
    Yds          15845 non-null object
    TD           15845 non-null object
    Int          15845 non-null object
    Rush_Att     15845 non-null object
    Rush_Yds     15845 non-null object
    Rush_TD      15845 non-null object
    Rec          15845 non-null object
    Rec_Yds      15845 non-null object
    Rec_TD       15845 non-null object
    Tkl          15845 non-null object
    Def_Int      15845 non-null object
    Sk           15845 non-null object
    College      15845 non-null object
    Player_ID    11416 non-null object
    dtypes: int64(1), object(29)
    memory usage: 3.7+ MB

从上面我们可以看到,许多球员数据在应该是数字的时候却不是。要将所有的列转换成它们正确的数值类型,我们可以将 to_numeric 函数应用到整个 DataFrame 之上。由于不可能转换一些列(例如,Player, Tm,等等。) 到一个数值类型(因为它们并不是数字),因此我们需要设置 errors 参数为"ignore",从而避免引起任何错误。

In [26]:

    # convert the data to proper numeric types
    draft_df = draft_df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="ignore")

In [27]:


    Int64Index: 15845 entries, 0 to 15844
    Data columns (total 30 columns):
    Draft_Yr     15845 non-null int64
    Rnd          15845 non-null int64
    Pick         15845 non-null int64
    Tm           15845 non-null object
    Player       15845 non-null object
    Pos          15845 non-null object
    Age          11297 non-null float64
    To           10995 non-null float64
    AP1          15845 non-null int64
    PB           15845 non-null int64
    St           15845 non-null int64
    CarAV        10995 non-null float64
    DrAV         9571 non-null float64
    G            10962 non-null float64
    Cmp          1033 non-null float64
    Att          1033 non-null float64
    Yds          1033 non-null float64
    TD           1033 non-null float64
    Int          1033 non-null float64
    Rush_Att     2776 non-null float64
    Rush_Yds     2776 non-null float64
    Rush_TD      2776 non-null float64
    Rec          3395 non-null float64
    Rec_Yds      3395 non-null float64
    Rec_TD       3395 non-null float64
    Tkl          3644 non-null float64
    Def_Int      2590 non-null float64
    Sk           2670 non-null float64
    College      15845 non-null object
    Player_ID    11416 non-null object
    dtypes: float64(19), int64(6), object(5)
    memory usage: 3.7+ MB

我们还没有完成。很多数值列数据缺失,因为球员并没有累计任何那些统计数据。例如,一些球员并没有获得一个 TD,甚至没有进行一场比赛。然我们选择带有数值数据的列,然后用 0 替换 NaN (当前表示缺失数据的值),因为那是一个更合适的值。

In [28]:

    # Get the column names for the numeric columns
    num_cols = draft_df.columns[draft_df.dtypes != object]

    # Replace all NaNs with 0
    draft_df.loc[:, num_cols] = draft_df.loc[:, num_cols].fillna(0)

In [29]:

    # Everything is filled, except for Player_ID, which is fine for now

    Int64Index: 15845 entries, 0 to 15844
    Data columns (total 30 columns):
    Draft_Yr     15845 non-null int64
    Rnd          15845 non-null int64
    Pick         15845 non-null int64
    Tm           15845 non-null object
    Player       15845 non-null object
    Pos          15845 non-null object
    Age          15845 non-null float64
    To           15845 non-null float64
    AP1          15845 non-null int64
    PB           15845 non-null int64
    St           15845 non-null int64
    CarAV        15845 non-null float64
    DrAV         15845 non-null float64
    G            15845 non-null float64
    Cmp          15845 non-null float64
    Att          15845 non-null float64
    Yds          15845 non-null float64
    TD           15845 non-null float64
    Int          15845 non-null float64
    Rush_Att     15845 non-null float64
    Rush_Yds     15845 non-null float64
    Rush_TD      15845 non-null float64
    Rec          15845 non-null float64
    Rec_Yds      15845 non-null float64
    Rec_TD       15845 non-null float64
    Tkl          15845 non-null float64
    Def_Int      15845 non-null float64
    Sk           15845 non-null float64
    College      15845 non-null object
    Player_ID    11416 non-null object
    dtypes: float64(19), int64(6), object(5)
    memory usage: 3.7+ MB

最后,我们完成了数据清理,现在,我们可以将其保存到一个 CSV 文件中去了。

In [30]:

    draft_df.to_csv("data/clean_data/pfr_nfl_draft_data_CLEAN.csv", index=False)

探索 NFL 选秀

现在,我们完成了获取和清理所要的数据,最后可以来些好玩的事了。首先,让我们保持选秀数据更新并包含 2010 年的选秀,因为,那些更近期参与选秀的球员尚未累计足够的数据,以拥有一个正确的代表性生涯 近似值(Approximate Value) (或者 cAV)。

In [31]:

    # get data for drafts from 1967 to 2010
    draft_df_2010 = draft_df.loc[draft_df.Draft_Yr <= 2010, :]

In [32]:

    draft_df_2010.tail() # we see that the last draft is 2010


1431420107251OAKStevie BrownDB23.02014.000...
1431520107252MIAAustin SpitlerLB23.02013.000... St.SpitAu99
1431620107253TAMErik LorigDE23.02014.000...
1431720107254STLJosh HullLB23.02013.000... St.HullJo99
1431820107255DETTim TooneWR25.02012.000... St.ToonTi00

5 rows × 30 columns


使用 seaborndistplot 函数,我们可以快速地看到 cAV 分布的样子,既包括 直方图 ,又包括 核密度估计

In [33]:

    # set some plotting styles
    from matplotlib import rcParams

    # set the font scaling and the plot sizes
    rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 12,9

In [34]:

    # Use distplot to view the distribu
    plt.title("Distribution of Career Approximate Value")

我们还可以通过 boxplot 函数,看到按位置分布。

In [35]:

    sns.boxplot(x="Pos", y="CarAV", data=draft_df_2010)
    plt.title("Distribution of Career Approximate Value by Position (1967-2010)")

从上面的两张图中,我们看到,大多数的球员最终在他们的 NFL 职业生涯中并未做很多事,因为大多数的球员在 0-10 cAV 范围周围徘徊。

还有一些位置,对于整个分布,具有 0 cAV,或者非常低(及小的)cAV 分布。我们可以从厦门的值数看到,这可能是出于这样的事实,有非常少的球员带有那些位置标签。

In [36]:

    # Look at the counts for each position


    DB    2456
    LB    1910
    RB    1686
    WR    1636
    DE    1130
    T     1091
    G      959
    DT     889
    TE     802
    QB     667
    C      425
    K      187
    P      150
    NT     127
    FB      84
    FL      63
    E       29
    HB      23
    KR       3
    WB       2
    Name: Pos, dtype: int64


In [37]:

    # drop players from the following positions [FL, E, WB, KR]
    drop_idx = ~ draft_df_2010.Pos.isin(["FL", "E", "WB", "KR"])

    draft_df_2010 = draft_df_2010.loc[drop_idx, :]

In [38]:

    # Now replace HB label with RB label
    draft_df_2010.loc[draft_df_2010.Pos == "HB", "Pos"] = "RB"


In [39]:

    sns.boxplot(x="Pos", y="CarAV", data=draft_df_2010)
    plt.title("Distribution of Career Approximate Value by Position (1967-2010)")


现在,我们可以拟合一条曲线,来看看每个选择的 cAV。我们将使用 l 局部回归 来拟合曲线,它沿着数据“旅行”,每次拟合一条曲线到小块数据。

seaborn 让我们通过使用 regplot 并设置 lowess 参数为 True ,非常轻松地绘制一条 Lowess 曲线。

In [40]:

    # plot LOWESS curve
    # set line color to be black, and scatter color to cyan
    sns.regplot(x="Pick", y="CarAV", data=draft_df_2010, lowess=True,
                line_kws={"color": "black"},
                scatter_kws={"color": sns.color_palette()[5], "alpha": 0.5})
    plt.title("Career Approximate Value by Pick")
    plt.xlim(-5, 500)
    plt.ylim(-5, 200)

我们也可以使用 lmplot 并设置 hue 为"Pos",为每个位置拟合一条 Lowess 曲线。

In [41]:

    # Fit a LOWESS curver for each position
    sns.lmplot(x="Pick", y="CarAV", data=draft_df_2010, lowess=True, hue="Pos",
               size=10, scatter=False)
    plt.title("Career Approximate Value by Pick and Position")
    plt.xlim(-5, 500)
    plt.ylim(-1, 60)

由于太多的线条,上面的图有点太乱了。我们可以实际将曲线分离出来,并单独绘制位置曲线。要在不设置 hue 为"Pos"的情况下做到这一点,我们可以设置 col 为"Pos"。要将所有图都组织到 5x3 格子里,我们必须设置 col_wrap 为 5。

In [44]:

    lm = sns.lmplot(x="Pick", y="CarAV", data=draft_df_2010, lowess=True, col="Pos",
                    col_wrap=5, size=4, line_kws={"color": "black"},
                    scatter_kws={"color": sns.color_palette()[5], "alpha": 0.7})

    # add title to the plot (which is a FacetGrid)
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29813694/how-to-add-a-title-to-seaborn-facet-plot 
    lm.fig.suptitle("Career Approximate Value by Pick and Position",

    plt.xlim(-5, 500)
    plt.ylim(-1, 100)



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