through2 源码分析
var Transform = require('readable-stream').Transform , inherits = require('util').inherits // 创建一个类 function DestroyableTransform(opts) { // 调用父类构造函数, opts) this._destroyed = false } // 继承 Transform 类的原型 inherits(DestroyableTransform, Transform) // 添加 destroy 类方法 DestroyableTransform.prototype.destroy = function(err) { if (this._destroyed) return this._destroyed = true var self = this // 触发 destory 后,close 掉流 process.nextTick(function() { if (err) self.emit('error', err) self.emit('close') }) } // a noop _transform function // 一个空的 _transform 函数 function noop (chunk, enc, callback) { callback(null, chunk) } // create a new export function, used by both the main export and // the .ctor export, contains common logic for dealing with arguments // 创建一个新的构造函数,用于主要的 through2.obj 和 through2.ctor // 包含了处理 arguments 的逻辑 function through2 (construct) { return function (options, transform, flush) { // 实现第一个参数 options 可选 if (typeof options == 'function') { flush = transform transform = options options = {} } // 如果 transform 不是一个函数,那么置 transform 为一个空的 _transform 函数(即不对流做任何处理) if (typeof transform != 'function') transform = noop if (typeof flush != 'function') flush = null return construct(options, transform, flush) } } // main export, just make me a transform stream! // 主要的 export ,用于创建一个 transform 流 module.exports = through2(function (options, transform, flush) { var t2 = new DestroyableTransform(options) t2._transform = transform if (flush) t2._flush = flush return t2 }) // make me a reusable prototype that I can `new`, or implicitly `new` // with a constructor call // 用于 new 使用,或者直接调用构建函数(隐式的的new) module.exports.ctor = through2(function (options, transform, flush) { // 创建一个新的构造函数 function Through2 (override) { // 实现无 new 调用 if (!(this instanceof Through2)) return new Through2(override) // 拓展 options this.options = Object.assign({}, options, override) // 继承 DestroyableTransform 的属性成员, this.options) } // 继承 DestroyableTransform 的原型链 inherits(Through2, DestroyableTransform) // 添加 _transform 函数 Through2.prototype._transform = transform // 添加 _flush 函数 if (flush) Through2.prototype._flush = flush // 返回构造函数 return Through2 }) module.exports.obj = through2(function (options, transform, flush) { // 由对象模式创建一个 transform 流 var t2 = new DestroyableTransform(Object.assign({ objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 16 }, options)) t2._transform = transform if (flush) t2._flush = flush return t2 })
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