cluster 模块如何实现端口共享 和 分发请求

发布于 2025-01-21 16:02:35 字数 18476 浏览 1 评论 0

下文适合对 cluster 模块有一定了解的同学阅读。主要包含两部分内容:

  1. cluster 模块如何实现端口共享
  2. cluster 模块如何分发请求


首先,master 进程 fork() 子进程:

// master 进程

子进程创建 net.Server 实例:

// worker 进程
require('net').createServer(() => {}).listen(3000);

在 net 模块中,调用 cluster._getServer

// worker 进程
cluster._getServer(self, {
  address: address,
  port: port,
  addressType: addressType,
  fd: fd,
  flags: 0
}, cb);

function cb(err, handle) {
  // 忽略错误处理
  self._handle = handle;
  self._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd);

在 cluster._getServer 中,通过 process.send(message),向 master 进程发送 queryServer 请求。

// worker 进程
cluster._getServer = function(obj, options, cb) {
    const indexesKey = [ options.address,
                         options.fd ].join(':');
    if (indexes[indexesKey] === undefined)
      indexes[indexesKey] = 0;

    // message =>
    // {
    //   act: 'queryServer',
    //   index: ':3000:4:',
    //   data: null,
    //   address: null,
    //   port: 3000,
    //   addressType: 4,
    //   fd: undefined
    // }
    const message = util._extend({
      act: 'queryServer',
      index: indexes[indexesKey],
      data: null
    }, options);

    // Set custom data on handle (i.e. tls tickets key)
    if (obj._getServerData) = obj._getServerData();

      send 方法的定义如下,注意:masterInit 里也有 send 方法
      function send(message, cb) {
        return sendHelper(process, message, null, cb);
      在 sendHelper 里对 message 进程加工,最终 message 如下所示(关键字段):
      { cmd: 'NODE_CLUSTER', act: 'queryServer' }
    send(message, function(reply, handle) {
      if (obj._setServerData) obj._setServerData(;

      if (handle)
        shared(reply, handle, indexesKey, cb);  // Shared listen socket.
        rr(reply, indexesKey, cb);              // Round-robin.

    obj.once('listening', function() {
      cluster.worker.state = 'listening';
      const address = obj.address();
      message.act = 'listening';
      message.port = address && address.port || options.port;

在 cluster.fork() 方法里,监听了 internalMessage 事件,onmessage 里,调用了 queryServer()。

// master 进程
cluster.fork = function(env) {
  // 忽略非关键代码
  const workerProcess = createWorkerProcess(id, env);
  const worker = new Worker({
    id: id,
    process: workerProcess
  worker.process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage));

function onmessage(message, handle) {
  var worker = this;
  if (message.act === 'online')
  else if (message.act === 'queryServer')
    // 调用 queryServer 方法
    queryServer(worker, message);
  else if (message.act === 'listening')
    listening(worker, message);
  else if (message.act === 'exitedAfterDisconnect')
    exitedAfterDisconnect(worker, message);
  else if (message.act === 'close')
    close(worker, message);

在 queryServer 里,首先 创建 RoundRobinHandle 实例,然后调用 handle.add()。

对于 address + port + addressType + fd + index 一样的 net.Server 实例,只创建一个 RoundRobinHandle 实例,并通过 handle.add() 将 worker 添加进去。

// master 进程
function queryServer(worker, message) {  
    var args = [message.address,
                message.fd, // undefined
                message.index]; // 注意:对于同样的监听参数,index 是从 0 开始递增的整数
    var key = args.join(':'); // 例子:':3000:4::0'
    var handle = handles[key];
    if (handle === undefined) {      
      var constructor = RoundRobinHandle;

      // 创建新的 handle,并挂载到 handles 上
      // 这里的 constructor 为 RoundRobinHandle
      handles[key] = handle = new constructor(key,
    if (! =;

    // Set custom server data
    handle.add(worker, function(errno, reply, handle) {
      reply = util._extend({
        errno: errno,
        key: key,
        ack: message.seq,
        data: handles[key].data
      }, reply);
      if (errno) delete handles[key];  // Gives other workers a chance to retry.
      send(worker, reply, handle);

看下 RoundRobinHandle 的构造方法。创建了 net.Server 实例,并调用 server.listen() 方法(实际监听)。

当 listening 事件触发,将 onconnection 事件覆盖掉,实现在多个 worker 中分发请求的逻辑。

// master 进程
function RoundRobinHandle(key, address, port, addressType, fd) {
  this.key = key;
  this.all = {}; = [];
  this.handles = [];
  this.handle = null;
  this.server = net.createServer(;

  if (fd >= 0)
    this.server.listen({ fd: fd });
  else if (port >= 0)
    this.server.listen(port, address);
    this.server.listen(address);  // UNIX socket path.

  this.server.once('listening', () => {
    this.handle = this.server._handle;
    // 监听 connection 事件,当用户请求进来时,通过 this.distribute() 分发请求到各个 worker
    this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => this.distribute(err, handle);
    this.server._handle = null;
    this.server = null;

注意,前面调用了 handle.add() 方法,如下所示

// master 进程
// Set custom server data
handle.add(worker, function(errno, reply, handle) {
  reply = util._extend({
    errno: errno,
    key: key,
    ack: message.seq,
    data: handles[key].data
  }, reply);
  if (errno) delete handles[key];  // Gives other workers a chance to retry.
  send(worker, reply, handle);


// master 进程
RoundRobinHandle.prototype.add = function(worker, send) {
  // 存储 worker 的引用
  this.all[] = worker;

  // 当 listening 事件触发,done 被调用(注意,在 RoundRobinHandle 构造方法里也监听了 listening)
  const done = () => {
    if (this.handle.getsockname) {
      // osx 10.13.1,node 8.9.3,跑这个分支
      var out = {};
      // 这里的 send 函数名比较有歧义,其实是 handle.add(worker, callback) 中的 callback
      // TODO(bnoordhuis) Check err.
      send(null, { sockname: out }, null);
    } else {
      send(null, null, null);  // UNIX socket.
    this.handoff(worker);  // In case there are connections pending.

  // Still busy binding.
  this.server.once('listening', done);

当 listening 事件触发,下面方法被调用。同样的,最终被 sendHelper 封装了一遍

// master 进程
// error: null
// reply: {}
// handle: null 
function(errno, reply, handle) {
  reply = util._extend({
    errno: errno,
    key: key,
    ack: message.seq,
    data: handles[key].data
  }, reply);
  if (errno) delete handles[key];  // Gives other workers a chance to retry.
  send(worker, reply, handle);

经过 sendHelper 的封装,worker.process.send(message),message 内容如下。注意,此时 ack === 1。

// master 进程
  "cmd": "NODE_CLUSTER",
  "sockname": {
    "address": "::",
    "family": "IPv6",
    "port": 3000
  "data": null,
  "ack": 1,
  "key": ":3000:4::0",
  "errno": null,
  "seq": 0

当上面 message 被发出时,worker 进程的 internalMessage 事件触发。(worker 进程 的 internalMessage 事件是在 node_bootstrap 阶段监听的,这里容易忽略)

// worker 进程
cluster._setupWorker = function() {
  var worker = new Worker({
    id: +process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID | 0,
    process: process,
    state: 'online'
  cluster.worker = worker;
  process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage));

如下所示,当 message.ack 存在时,callbacks[message.ack] 被调用。

// worker 进程
function internal(worker, cb) {
  return function(message, handle) {
    if (message.cmd !== 'NODE_CLUSTER') return;
    var fn = cb;
    // 此时,message.ack === 1
    // callbacks[message.ack] 是 _getServer 的回调
    if (message.ack !== undefined && callbacks[message.ack] !== undefined) {
      fn = callbacks[message.ack];
      delete callbacks[message.ack];
    fn.apply(worker, arguments);


// worker 进程
// obj is a net#Server or a dgram#Socket object.
cluster._getServer = function(obj, options, cb) {

  // 忽略部分代码
  const message = util._extend({
    act: 'queryServer',
    index: indexes[indexesKey],
    data: null
  }, options);

  reply: {
    "cmd": "NODE_CLUSTER",
    "sockname": {
      "address": "::",
      "family": "IPv6",
      "port": 3000
    "data": null,
    "ack": 1,
    "key": ":3000:4::0",
    "errno": null,
    "seq": 0
  send(message, (reply, handle) => {
    if (handle)
      shared(reply, handle, indexesKey, cb);  // Shared listen socket.
      // 这里被调用
      rr(reply, indexesKey, cb);              // Round-robin.

下面是 rr 方法的定义。

// worker 进程
// message: {"cmd":"NODE_CLUSTER","sockname":{"address":"::","family":"IPv6","port":3000},"data":null,"ack":1,"key":":3000:4::0","errno":null,"seq":0}
// indexsKey: ":3000:4:"
// cb: _getServer 的回调
// Round-robin. Master distributes handles across workers.
function rr(message, indexesKey, cb) {
  if (message.errno)
    return cb(message.errno, null);

  var key = message.key;
  function listen(backlog) {
    // TODO(bnoordhuis) Send a message to the master that tells it to
    // update the backlog size. The actual backlog should probably be
    // the largest requested size by any worker.
    return 0;

  function close() {
    // lib/net.js treats server._handle.close() as effectively synchronous.
    // That means there is a time window between the call to close() and
    // the ack by the master process in which we can still receive handles.
    // onconnection() below handles that by sending those handles back to
    // the master.
    if (key === undefined) return;
    send({ act: 'close', key: key });
    delete handles[key];
    delete indexes[indexesKey];
    key = undefined;

  function getsockname(out) {
    if (key) util._extend(out, message.sockname);
    return 0;

  // XXX(bnoordhuis) Probably no point in implementing ref() and unref()
  // because the control channel is going to keep the worker alive anyway.
  function ref() {

  function unref() {

  // Faux handle. Mimics a TCPWrap with just enough fidelity to get away
  // with it. Fools net.Server into thinking that it's backed by a real
  // handle.
  var handle = {
    close: close,
    listen: listen,
    ref: ref,
    unref: unref,
  if (message.sockname) {
    handle.getsockname = getsockname;  // TCP handles only.

  handles[key] = handle;
  cb(0, handle); // 终于调用 cb 了。。。


// worker 进程
function cb(err, handle) {
  // err:0
  // handle: {close: fn, listen: fn, getsockname: fn, ref: fn, unref: fn}
  if (err === 0 && port > 0 && handle.getsockname) {
    var out = {};
    err = handle.getsockname(out);
    if (err === 0 && port !== out.port)
      err = uv.UV_EADDRINUSE;

  self._handle = handle; // 将 handle 赋给 net.Server 实例
  self._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd); // 调用 _listen2 方法

看下此时 _listen2 做了什么。主要是抛出 listening 事件,以及 添加 onconnection 监听。

// worker 进程
Server.prototype._listen2 = function(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd) {

  // If there is not yet a handle, we need to create one and bind.
  // In the case of a server sent via IPC, we don't need to do this.
  if (this._handle) {
    debug('_listen2: have a handle already');

  this._handle.onconnection = onconnection; // onconnect 回调
  this._handle.owner = this;

  var err = _listen(this._handle, backlog);

  // generate connection key, this should be unique to the connection
  this._connectionKey = addressType + ':' + address + ':' + port;

  process.nextTick(emitListeningNT, this);

前面说过,在主进程里,创建了 net.Server 实例,并对端口进行实际的监听。再来回顾这段代码

// master 进程
// Start a round-robin server. Master accepts connections and distributes
// them over the workers.
function RoundRobinHandle(key, address, port, addressType, fd) {
  // 忽略非重点代码
  this.server = net.createServer(;
  this.server.listen(port, address); // 注意这里的监听

  this.server.once('listening', () => {
    this.handle = this.server._handle;
    this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => this.distribute(err, handle);
    this.server._handle = null;
    this.server = null;

监听调用的是 net 模块中如下函数:

// master 进程
self._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd);
// master 进程
Server.prototype._listen2 = function(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd) {

  // If there is not yet a handle, we need to create one and bind.
  // In the case of a server sent via IPC, we don't need to do this.
  // 此时,this._handle 是 null(初始化状态),于是走第二个分支
  if (this._handle) {
    debug('_listen2: have a handle already');
  } else {
    debug('_listen2: create a handle');

    var rval = null;

    if (!address && typeof fd !== 'number') {
      rval = createServerHandle('::', port, 6, fd);

      if (typeof rval === 'number') {
        rval = null;
        address = '';
        addressType = 4;
      } else {
        address = '::';
        addressType = 6;

    // rval: {"reading":false,"owner":null,"onread":null,"onconnection":null,"writeQueueSize":0}
    if (rval === null)
      // 重点是这行代码,在这里面创建 TCP 实例,并进行监听
      // fd: undefined
      // address: ::''
      rval = createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd);

    if (typeof rval === 'number') {
      var error = exceptionWithHostPort(rval, 'listen', address, port);
      process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, error);
    this._handle = rval;

  this._handle.onconnection = onconnection;
  this._handle.owner = this;

  var err = _listen(this._handle, backlog);

  if (err) {
    var ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'listen', address, port);
    this._handle = null;
    process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, ex);

  // generate connection key, this should be unique to the connection
  this._connectionKey = addressType + ':' + address + ':' + port;

  // unref the handle if the server was unref'ed prior to listening
  if (this._unref)

  process.nextTick(emitListeningNT, this);

主要逻辑:创建 TCP 实例,绑定端口、IP,并返回 handle。

//master 进程
function createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd) {
  var err = 0;
  // assign handle in listen, and clean up if bind or listen fails
  var handle;

  var isTCP = false;

  handle = new TCP();
  isTCP = true;

  if (address || port || isTCP) {
    debug('bind to ' + (address || 'anycast'));
    if (!address) {
      // Try binding to ipv6 first
      err = handle.bind6('::', port);
      if (err) {
        // Fallback to ipv4
        return createServerHandle('', port);
    } else if (addressType === 6) {
      err = handle.bind6(address, port);
    } else {
      err = handle.bind(address, port);

  if (err) {
    return err;

  return handle;

server._handle 初始化完成,开始监听后,触发 listening 事件。此时,RoundRobinHandle 中的回调函数被调用。

// master 进程
this.server.once('listening', () => {
  // 将 this.server._handle 赋值给 this.handle
  this.handle = this.server._handle;
  // 覆盖 this.handle.onconnection,以达到请求分发的目的
  this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => this.distribute(err, handle);
  // 将 server._handle 设置为 null
  this.server._handle = null;
  // 将 this.server 设置为 null(这里只需要 handle 就够了)
  this.server = null;


  1. master 进程中创建了 net.Server 实例 A,并对来自特定端口的请求进行监听。
  2. worker 进程中创建了 net.Server 实例 B。
  3. 当新连接创建时,实例 A 将请求分发给实例 B。(如果有多个 worker 进程,master 进程会按照特定算法进行分发)


首先,当连接请求进来时,调用 this.distribute(err, handle);

// master 进程
this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => this.distribute(err, handle);

看下 distribute 的实现。主要做了两件事情:

  1. 将 handle 加入待处理队列。
  2. 取得第一个空闲的 worker,如果存在,就调用 this.handoff(worker); 处理请求。
// master 进程
RoundRobinHandle.prototype.distribute = function(err, handle) {
  // 将 handle 加入 handles 队列,该队列里是待处理的请求对应的 handle。
  // 取第一个空闲的 worker
  var worker =;
  // 如果有空闲的 worker
  if (worker) this.handoff(worker);

看下 handoff(worker) 的实现。

// master 进程
RoundRobinHandle.prototype.handoff = function(worker) {
  if ( in this.all === false) {
    return;  // Worker is closing (or has closed) the server.
  // 获取第一个待处理的请求
  var handle = this.handles.shift();
  if (handle === undefined) {;  // Add to ready queue again.
  var message = { act: 'newconn', key: this.key };

  // 向 worker 进程发送消息
  // message:{ act: 'newconn', key: this.key }
  sendHelper(worker.process, message, handle, (reply) => {
    // 当 worker 进程 收到消息后,ack 回应,调用 handle.close() 
    if (reply.accepted)
      this.distribute(0, handle);  // Worker is shutting down. Send to another.
    // 再次调用 handoff(worker)。有可能前面已经有一堆的待处理请求,因此检查下还有没有请求需要处理
    // 如有,已经空闲出来的 worker 可以接着处理请求

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