Canvas element
Name | Type | Default |
width | unsigned long | 300 |
height | unsigned long | 150 |
Return | Name |
string | toDataURL([Optional] string type, [Variadic] any args) |
Object | getContext(string contextId) |
2D Context
Name | Type | Default |
canvas | HTMLCanvasObject | [readonly] |
Return | Name |
void | save() |
void | restore() |
Return | Name |
void | scale(float x, float y) |
void | rotate(float angle) |
void | translate(float x, float y) |
void | transform(float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy) |
void | setTransform(float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy) |
Image drawing
Return | Name |
void | drawImage(Object image, float dx, float dy, [Optional] float dw, float dh) |
Argument image can be of type HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement or HTMLVideoElement. | |
void | drawImage(Object image, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh, float dx, float dy, float dw, float dh) |
Name | Type | Default |
globalAlpha | float | 1.0 |
globalCompositeOperation | string | source-over |
Supports any of the following values: |
Line styles
Name | Type | Default |
lineWidth | float | 1.0 |
lineCap | string | butt |
Supports any of the following values: | ||
lineJoin | string | miter |
Supports any of the following values: | ||
miterLimit | float | 10 |
Colors, styles and shadows
Name | Type | Default |
strokeStyle | any | black |
fillStyle | any | black |
shadowOffsetX | float | 0.0 |
shadowOffsetY | float | 0.0 |
shadowBlur | float | 0.0 |
shadowColor | string | transparent black |
Return | Name |
CanvasGradient | createLinearGradient(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) |
CanvasGradient | createRadialGradient(float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1) |
CanvasPattern | createPattern(Object image, string repetition) |
image is HTMLImageElement or HTMLCanvasElement. repetition supports any of the following values:
CanvasGradient interface
Return | Name |
void | addColorStop(float offset, string color) |
CanvasPattern interface
No attributes or methods.
Return | Name |
void | beginPath() |
void | closePath() |
void | fill() |
void | stroke() |
void | clip() |
void | moveTo(float x, float y) |
void | lineTo(float x, float y) |
void | quadraticCurveTo(float cpx, float cpy, float x, float y) |
void | bezierCurveTo(float cp1x, float cp1y, float cp2x, float cp2y, float x, float y) |
void | arcTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius) |
void | arc(float x, float y, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, boolean anticlockwise) |
void | rect(float x, float y, float w, float h) |
boolean | isPointInPath(float x, float y) |
Name | Type | Default |
font | string | 10px sans-serif |
textAlign | string | start |
Supports any of the following values:
| ||
textBaseline | string | alphabetic |
Supports any of the following values:
Return | Name |
void | fillText(string text, float x, float y, [Optional] float maxWidth) |
void | strokeText(string text, float x, float y, [Optional] float maxWidth) |
TextMetrics | measureText(string text) |
TextMetrics interface
Name | Type | Default |
width | float | [readonly] |
Return | Name |
void | clearRect(float x, float y, float w, float h) |
void | fillRect(float x, float y, float w, float h) |
void | strokeRect(float x, float y, float w, float h) |
Pixel manipulation
Return | Name |
ImageData | createImageData(float sw, float sh) |
ImageData | getImageData(float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh) |
void | putImageData(ImageData imagedata, float dx, float dy, [Optional] float dirtyX, float dirtyY, float dirtyWidth, float dirtyHeight) |
ImageData interface
Name | Type | Default |
width | unsigned long | [readonly] |
height | unsigned long | [readonly] |
data | CanvasPixelArray | [readonly] |
CanvasPixelArray interface
Name | Type | Default |
length | unsigned long | [readonly] |