将任意长度的位置列表 [4, 1, 2] 转换为嵌套列表的索引

发布于 2024-11-18 08:09:35 字数 726 浏览 17 评论 0原文


nestedList = ["a", "b", [1, 2, 3], "c",[4, 5, 6, [100, 200, 300]], "d"]

我有一个函数,它返回任意深度的嵌套列表的位置列表。 示例

[2, 1] -> "2"
[5] -> "d"
[4, 3, 2] -> "300"


其他问题 对于列表修改,我想使用 [:] 或 [4:] 或 [0:1] 符号。


nestedList[4][1:] = NewItem + nestedList[4][1:] #insert item
nestedList[2][1] = [] #remove item




PS 列表必须保持嵌套。扁平化不是一种选择。

Assuming this list

nestedList = ["a", "b", [1, 2, 3], "c",[4, 5, 6, [100, 200, 300]], "d"]

I have a function that returns a position list for a nested list of arbitrary depth.

[2, 1] -> "2"
[5] -> "d"
[4, 3, 2] -> "300"

As you can see it is not clear in the beginning how many levels of nesting there are.

Additional Problem
For list modifications I want to use the [:] or [4:] or [0:1] notations.

For a human its very easy to do: simply add as many index position as you need to.

nestedList[4][1:] = NewItem + nestedList[4][1:] #insert item
nestedList[2][1] = [] #remove item

However this approach does not lead anywhere since I had to append strings together and eval them later. Obvious nonsense :)

What is the best way to handle a nested list with an unknown number of index positions and still have the functionality to handle it like a normal list (read, modify, insert, remove)

I hope there is an answer to that.

P.S. the list must remain nested. Flattening is not an option.

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吃不饱 2024-11-25 08:09:35


>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x[y], [4, 3, 2], nestedList)


>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a[slice(1, None)] = [4, 5]
>>> a
[1, 4, 5]

The first part is easy enough.

>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x[y], [4, 3, 2], nestedList)

The second part requires much more effort, but is still doable. Hint:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a[slice(1, None)] = [4, 5]
>>> a
[1, 4, 5]
莫相离 2024-11-25 08:09:35

我终于有时间摆弄这个了。我有点得意忘形了。虽然很长,不过我还是贴一下吧。我添加了 set_iteminsertdeletefindfind_left 方法,如下以及一些允许破坏游标抽象的低级操作的私有方法。我还添加了一个 move_cursor 方法,对于超出范围或指向非顶级对象的索引元组抛出 IndexError

基本上,(应该)保证只要你只使用公共函数,光标总是指向顶级对象,并且插入和删除都发生在顶级。从这里,您应该能够安全地实现 __getitem____setitem____delitem__ 等,甚至可能 __getslice____setslice__

然而,还有一些问题。光标始终指向顶级对象的限制使得迭代嵌套列表变得非常容易,就好像它是一个平面列表一样。但这也意味着光标无法指向较低级别的对象,因此单独使用 insert 无法进行某些类型的插入。例如,假设您有三个列表:

>>> l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> l2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> l3 = [l1, l2]
>>> l3
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]

现在将此嵌套结构放入 NLI 中,移至 5,然后尝试插入。

>>> nli = NestedListIter(l3)
>>> nli.find(5)
>>> nli.insert(9)
>>> nli.nested_list
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]

正如您所看到的,您可以将某些内容插入到 l2 中,但无法轻松地将某些内容插入到 l3 中。事实上,现在要做到这一点,您必须使用私有函数,这会以一种令人不快的方式破坏游标抽象:

>>> nli._insert_at(nli.stack[:-1], 10)
>>> nli.nested_list
[[1, 2, 3, 4], 10, [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
>>> nli.get_item()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "nestedlistiterator.py", line 130, in get_item
    return self._get_item_at(self.stack)
  File "nestedlistiterator.py", line 39, in _get_item_at
    item = item[i]
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable

肯定有方法可以实现安全的公共 insert_ Between_branches 方法,但它们涉及更多比我现在关心的复杂性。

当尝试在 4 之后插入值时,会出现另一个问题。如您所见,您可以在 5 之前将值插入到 l2 中,但如果将光标移动到 4insert,您很快就会意识到您无法在 l1 内的 4 之后插入内容。

>>> nli.go_to_head()
>>> nli.find(4)
>>> nli.insert(11)
>>> nli.nested_list
[[1, 2, 3, 11, 4], 10, [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]

从平面访问的角度来看,在4之后插入和在5之前插入是同一件事,但是从嵌套列表的角度来看,它们是不同的。由于 insert 实际上是 left_insert,因此可以使用 right_insert 方法部分纠正此问题(反过来,该方法将无法插入到l1) 的开头。


(这实际上就是为什么我仍然更喜欢简单的 enumerate_nested方法!一个正确的树结构,所有节点都有值(而不仅仅是顶级节点)也可能更简单、更好,但是编码仍然很有趣。)

import collections

class NestedListIter(object):
    '''A mutable container that enables flat traversal of a nested tree of 
    lists. nested_list should contain only a list-like mutable sequence. 
    To preserve a clear demarcation between 'leaves' and 'branches', empty 
    sequences are not allowed as toplevel objects.'''
    def __init__(self, nested_list):
        if not nested_list:
            raise ValueError, 'nested_list must be a non-empty sequence'
        self.nested_list = nested_list # at some point, vet this to make sure
        self.go_to_head()              # it contains no empty sequences

    def _is_sequence(self, item=None):
        '''Private method to test whether an item is a non-string sequence.
        If item is None, test current item.'''
        if item is None:
            item = self._get_item_at(self.stack)
        return isinstance(item, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(item, basestring)

    def _is_in_range(self, index_tuple=None):
        '''Private method to test whether an index is in range. 
        If index is None, test current index.'''
        if index_tuple is None:
            index_tuple = self.stack
        if any(x < 0 for x in index_tuple):
            return False
        except IndexError:
            return False
            return True

    def _get_item_at(self, index_tuple):
        '''Private method to get item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.'''
        item = self.nested_list
        for i in index_tuple:
            item = item[i]
        return item

    def _set_item_at(self, index_tuple, value):
        '''Private method to set item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.
        Throws a ValueError if value is an empty non-string sequence.'''
        if self._is_sequence(value) and not value:
            raise ValueError, "Cannot set an empty list!"
        containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1])
        containing_list[index_tuple[-1]] = value

    def _insert_at(self, index_tuple, value):
        '''Private method to insert item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.
        Throws a ValueError if value is an empty non-string sequence.'''
        if self._is_sequence(value) and not value:
            raise ValueError, "Cannot insert an empty list!"
        containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1])
        containing_list.insert(index_tuple[-1], value)

    def _delete_at(self, index_tuple):
        '''Private method to delete item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.
        Recursively deletes a resulting branch of empty lists.'''
        containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1])
        del containing_list[index_tuple[-1]]
        if not self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1]):

    def _increment_stack(self):
        '''Private method that tires to increment the top value of the stack.
        Returns True on success, False on failure (empty stack).'''
            self.stack[-1] += 1
        except IndexError:
            return False
            return True

    def _decrement_stack(self):
        '''Private method that tries to decrement the top value of the stack.
        Returns True on success, False on failure (empty stack).'''
            self.stack[-1] -= 1
        except IndexError:
            return False
            return True

    def go_to_head(self):
        '''Move the cursor to the head of the nested list.'''
        self.stack = []
        while self._is_sequence():

    def go_to_tail(self):
        self.stack = []
        '''Move the cursor to the tail of the nested list.'''
        while self._is_sequence():
            self.stack.append(len(self.get_item()) - 1)

    def right(self):
        '''Move cursor one step right in the nested list.'''
        while self._increment_stack() and not self._is_in_range():
        if not self.stack:
            return False
        while self._is_sequence():
        return True

    def left(self):
        '''Move cursor one step left in the nested list.'''
        while self._decrement_stack() and not self._is_in_range():
        if not self.stack:
            return False
        while self._is_sequence():
            self.stack.append(len(self.get_item()) - 1)
        return True

    def move_cursor(self, index_tuple):
        '''Move cursor to the location indicated by index_tuple.
        Raises an error if index_tuple is out of range or doesn't correspond
        to a toplevel object.'''
        item = self._get_item_at(index_tuple)
        if self._is_sequence(item):
            raise IndexError, 'index_tuple must point to a toplevel object'

    def get_item(self):
        '''Get the item at the cursor location.'''
        return self._get_item_at(self.stack)

    def set_item(self, value):
        '''Set the item a the cursor locaiton.'''
        return self._set_item_at(self.stack, value)

    def insert(self, value):
        '''Insert an item at the cursor location. If value is a sequence, 
        cursor moves to the first toplevel object in value after insertion. 
        Otherwise, cursor does not move.'''
        temp_stack = self.stack[:]
        self._insert_at(temp_stack, value)

    def delete(self):
        '''Deete an item at the cursor location. Cursor does not move.'''
        temp_stack = self.stack[:]

    def iterate(self):
        '''Iterate over the values in nested_list in sequence'''
        yield self.get_item()
        while self.right():
            yield self.get_item()

    def iterate_left(self):
        '''Iterate over the values in nested_list in reverse.'''
        yield self.get_item()
        while self.left():
            yield self.get_item()

    def find(self, value):
        '''Search for value in nested_list; move cursor to first location of value.'''
        for i in self.iterate():
            if i == value:

    def find_left(self, value):
        '''Search for value backwards in nested_list; move cursor to last location of value.'''
        for i in self.iterate_left():
            if i == value:

def _NLI_Test():
    l = [1, 2, 3, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 4, ['d', 'e', [100, 200, 300]], 5, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 6]
    nli = NestedListIter(l)
    print nli.nested_list
    for i in nli.iterate():
        print i,
    for i in nli.iterate_left():
        print i,

    for i in range(5):
    nli.insert(['c', ['o', 'w']])
    print nli.nested_list
    print nli.get_item()
    print nli.nested_list
    print nli.nested_list
    print nli.nested_list
    print nli.nested_list == l
    print nli.nested_list

if __name__ == '__main__':

I finally had some time to fiddle around with this. I got a little carried away. It's long, but I'm pasting it anyway. I added set_item, insert, delete, find, and find_left methods, as well as some private methods to allow low-level manipulation that breaks the cursor abstraction. I also added a move_cursor method that throws an IndexError for index tuples that are out of range or point to a non-toplevel object.

Basically, it (should) be guaranteed that as long as you use public functions only, the cursor always points to a top-level object, and insertions and deletions all happen at the top level. From here, you should be able to safely implement __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, etc, and maybe even __getslice__, __setslice__.

However, there are a couple of wrinkles. The restriction that the cursor always points to a toplevel object makes it very easy to iterate over the nested list as though it were a flat list. But it also means that the cursor can't point at lower-level objects, and hence some kinds of insertions can't happen using insert alone. For example, say you have three lists:

>>> l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> l2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> l3 = [l1, l2]
>>> l3
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]

Now put this nested structure in a NLI, move to 5, and try to insert.

>>> nli = NestedListIter(l3)
>>> nli.find(5)
>>> nli.insert(9)
>>> nli.nested_list
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]

As you can see, you can insert something into l2, but you can't easily insert something into l3. In fact, to do so right now, you have to use a private function, which breaks the cursor abstraction in an unpleasant way:

>>> nli._insert_at(nli.stack[:-1], 10)
>>> nli.nested_list
[[1, 2, 3, 4], 10, [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
>>> nli.get_item()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "nestedlistiterator.py", line 130, in get_item
    return self._get_item_at(self.stack)
  File "nestedlistiterator.py", line 39, in _get_item_at
    item = item[i]
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable

There are surely ways to implement a safe public insert_between_branches method, but they involve more complication than I care to bother with right now.

Another problem appears when one tries to insert a value after 4. As you've seen, you can insert a value into l2 before 5, but if you move the cursor to 4 and insert, you'll quickly realize that you can't insert something after 4 inside l1.

>>> nli.go_to_head()
>>> nli.find(4)
>>> nli.insert(11)
>>> nli.nested_list
[[1, 2, 3, 11, 4], 10, [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]

From the perspective of flat access, inserting after 4 and inserting before 5 are the same thing, but from the perspective of the nested list, they are different. Since insert is effectively a left_insert, this problem could be partially rectified with a right_insert method (which would, in turn, be unable to insert at the beginning of l1).

These problems could probably be dealt with more generally by allowing the cursor to point to lower-level objects, but that would make flat access more complicated. In short, any attempt to rectify these problems will lead to greater complexity, either on the flat or the nested side of the interface.

(That is actually why I still prefer the simple enumerate_nested method! A proper tree structure with values at all nodes (and not just top-level nodes) might also be simpler and better. But this was fun to code nonetheless.)

import collections

class NestedListIter(object):
    '''A mutable container that enables flat traversal of a nested tree of 
    lists. nested_list should contain only a list-like mutable sequence. 
    To preserve a clear demarcation between 'leaves' and 'branches', empty 
    sequences are not allowed as toplevel objects.'''
    def __init__(self, nested_list):
        if not nested_list:
            raise ValueError, 'nested_list must be a non-empty sequence'
        self.nested_list = nested_list # at some point, vet this to make sure
        self.go_to_head()              # it contains no empty sequences

    def _is_sequence(self, item=None):
        '''Private method to test whether an item is a non-string sequence.
        If item is None, test current item.'''
        if item is None:
            item = self._get_item_at(self.stack)
        return isinstance(item, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(item, basestring)

    def _is_in_range(self, index_tuple=None):
        '''Private method to test whether an index is in range. 
        If index is None, test current index.'''
        if index_tuple is None:
            index_tuple = self.stack
        if any(x < 0 for x in index_tuple):
            return False
        except IndexError:
            return False
            return True

    def _get_item_at(self, index_tuple):
        '''Private method to get item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.'''
        item = self.nested_list
        for i in index_tuple:
            item = item[i]
        return item

    def _set_item_at(self, index_tuple, value):
        '''Private method to set item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.
        Throws a ValueError if value is an empty non-string sequence.'''
        if self._is_sequence(value) and not value:
            raise ValueError, "Cannot set an empty list!"
        containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1])
        containing_list[index_tuple[-1]] = value

    def _insert_at(self, index_tuple, value):
        '''Private method to insert item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.
        Throws a ValueError if value is an empty non-string sequence.'''
        if self._is_sequence(value) and not value:
            raise ValueError, "Cannot insert an empty list!"
        containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1])
        containing_list.insert(index_tuple[-1], value)

    def _delete_at(self, index_tuple):
        '''Private method to delete item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.
        Recursively deletes a resulting branch of empty lists.'''
        containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1])
        del containing_list[index_tuple[-1]]
        if not self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1]):

    def _increment_stack(self):
        '''Private method that tires to increment the top value of the stack.
        Returns True on success, False on failure (empty stack).'''
            self.stack[-1] += 1
        except IndexError:
            return False
            return True

    def _decrement_stack(self):
        '''Private method that tries to decrement the top value of the stack.
        Returns True on success, False on failure (empty stack).'''
            self.stack[-1] -= 1
        except IndexError:
            return False
            return True

    def go_to_head(self):
        '''Move the cursor to the head of the nested list.'''
        self.stack = []
        while self._is_sequence():

    def go_to_tail(self):
        self.stack = []
        '''Move the cursor to the tail of the nested list.'''
        while self._is_sequence():
            self.stack.append(len(self.get_item()) - 1)

    def right(self):
        '''Move cursor one step right in the nested list.'''
        while self._increment_stack() and not self._is_in_range():
        if not self.stack:
            return False
        while self._is_sequence():
        return True

    def left(self):
        '''Move cursor one step left in the nested list.'''
        while self._decrement_stack() and not self._is_in_range():
        if not self.stack:
            return False
        while self._is_sequence():
            self.stack.append(len(self.get_item()) - 1)
        return True

    def move_cursor(self, index_tuple):
        '''Move cursor to the location indicated by index_tuple.
        Raises an error if index_tuple is out of range or doesn't correspond
        to a toplevel object.'''
        item = self._get_item_at(index_tuple)
        if self._is_sequence(item):
            raise IndexError, 'index_tuple must point to a toplevel object'

    def get_item(self):
        '''Get the item at the cursor location.'''
        return self._get_item_at(self.stack)

    def set_item(self, value):
        '''Set the item a the cursor locaiton.'''
        return self._set_item_at(self.stack, value)

    def insert(self, value):
        '''Insert an item at the cursor location. If value is a sequence, 
        cursor moves to the first toplevel object in value after insertion. 
        Otherwise, cursor does not move.'''
        temp_stack = self.stack[:]
        self._insert_at(temp_stack, value)

    def delete(self):
        '''Deete an item at the cursor location. Cursor does not move.'''
        temp_stack = self.stack[:]

    def iterate(self):
        '''Iterate over the values in nested_list in sequence'''
        yield self.get_item()
        while self.right():
            yield self.get_item()

    def iterate_left(self):
        '''Iterate over the values in nested_list in reverse.'''
        yield self.get_item()
        while self.left():
            yield self.get_item()

    def find(self, value):
        '''Search for value in nested_list; move cursor to first location of value.'''
        for i in self.iterate():
            if i == value:

    def find_left(self, value):
        '''Search for value backwards in nested_list; move cursor to last location of value.'''
        for i in self.iterate_left():
            if i == value:

def _NLI_Test():
    l = [1, 2, 3, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 4, ['d', 'e', [100, 200, 300]], 5, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 6]
    nli = NestedListIter(l)
    print nli.nested_list
    for i in nli.iterate():
        print i,
    for i in nli.iterate_left():
        print i,

    for i in range(5):
    nli.insert(['c', ['o', 'w']])
    print nli.nested_list
    print nli.get_item()
    print nli.nested_list
    print nli.nested_list
    print nli.nested_list
    print nli.nested_list == l
    print nli.nested_list

if __name__ == '__main__':
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