为编排或范围设置的长时间运行事务类型和无事务类型之间有什么区别。 我知道的一个区别是长时间运行的事务可以有补偿块。
what is the difference between Long Running transaction type and None transaction type, set for an orchestration or a scope.
One difference that I know is that Long Running transaction can have compensation block.
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没有事务的作用域通常用作 try/catch 块,只是为了处理异常。一个长期运行的事务范围是一个事务,正如您所指出的,它可以具有与其关联的补偿块以“撤消”其工作。
A scope with no transaction is usually used as a try/catch block just to handle exceptions. A long running transaction scope is, well, a transaction, which as you point out can have compensation blocks associated with it to "undo" its work.
Most commonly, a long running transaction isn't used in isolation... it will contain nested transactions (both atomic and long running on their own), with the outer transaction coordinating through compensations the undoing of any nested transactions not automatically rolled back.