有什么快速、简单的方法可以向我自己发送 HTML 电子邮件来测试它们?
我的任务是针对不同的电子邮件/网络邮件客户端优化 HTML 电子邮件。 我曾经通过在 Outlook Express 中执行一个技巧来测试 HTML 文件,使其发送原始 HTML,但微软现在似乎已经停止提供 Outlook Express(我认为“Live Mail”应该取代它)。
所以我的问题是,有没有一种简单、快捷的方法来发送 HTML 电子邮件? 甚至可能是一个可以完成这项工作的免费软件程序?
I've been given the task of optimizing HTML emails for different email/webmail clients. I used to test the HTML file by doing a trick in Outlook Express, to make it send the raw HTML, but Microsoft seems to have stopped supplying Outlook Express now (I think "Live Mail" is supposed to replace it).
So my question is, is there a simple, quick way to send HTML emails? Maybe even a freeware program that does the job?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

Puts Mail 是目前最好的选择。 查看 Puts Mail 创建者的对类似问题的回答。
Puts Mail is the best bet these days. Check out an answer to a similar question by the creator of Puts Mail.
我将使用 python,底部是如何创建默认文本的 HTML 电子邮件的示例: http://docs.python.org/library/email-examples.html
您可以对其进行参数化,封装在函数中,从文件中读取内容等(请确保您将“s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')”中的 localhost 设置为您的 smtp 服务器)
I would use python, here at the bottom is an example how to create a HTML email with a text default: http://docs.python.org/library/email-examples.html
you can parameterize this, encapsulate in functions, read content from files, etc. (make sure, that you set localhost in "s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') " to your smtp server)
如果您只是想测试 HTML 电子邮件是否在各种客户端中正确显示,我会使用 sendmail.exe(仅限 Windows)。
您可以保存 .html 文件并将其作为电子邮件内容在命令行上通过管道传输到该程序。 有来自/到/主题/服务器等的命令行选项。
这将允许您通过编辑 .html 文件并再次运行命令行来快速发送和重新发送电子邮件。 无需编程。
编辑:Linux 上有一个类似的同名命令行工具。
If you are just looking to test whether an HTML email displays properly in various clients, I would use sendmail.exe (windows only).
You can save a .html file and pipe it into that program on the command-line as the email content. There are command line options for from/to/subject/server, etc.
This would allow you to rapidly send and re-send emails by just editing the .html file and running the command-line again. No programming required.
Edit: there is a similar command-line tool for Linux with the same name.
我会停在MailChimp 并设置一个免费帐户 (最多 500 个订阅者,每月发送 3000 次)...3000 次发送足以测试,对吗? :)
它拥有专业发送电子邮件所需的所有工具(也许还可以为您的客户/朋友设置一个帐户,以便他们/他可以在新闻通讯中使用 MailChimp),
请参阅他们的 资源 页面也是了解我们可以使用 CampaignMonitor 自己的 电子邮件中 CSS 支持指南客户
I would not even go with any language ...
I would stop at MailChimp and set up a free account (max of 500 subscribers and 3000 sends per month) ... 3000 sends is enough to test right? :)
It has all the tools you need to send emails professionally (and maybe set up an account to your client/friend so they/he can use MailChimp in their Newsletters)
while you're at it, see their resources page as well the perfect tool to know what can we use in Newsletters using CampaignMonitor own Guide to CSS support in email clients
hope it helps
Ruby 变体:
不要忘记启用 https://www.google.com/settings/security 的访问/lesssecureapps
Ruby variant:
Do not forget to enable access from https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps
我相信您可以从 Mozilla 的 Thunderbird 电子邮件客户端发送 html 电子邮件。
这个是我用来发送测试电子邮件的。 或者我想您也可以使用您的电子邮件提供商。
I believe you can send html emails from Mozilla's Thunderbird email client.
This is what I used to send test emails. Or I guess you could use your email provider too.
如果您使用的是 Mac,则可以使用 Safari 和 Mail 超快速地发送 HTML 电子邮件。 我在下面的链接中写了有关详细信息的博客,但基本上您只需在 Safari 中查看 HTML 文件并选择“文件”>“ 邮寄本页内容。
http://www.ravelrumba .com/blog/send-html-email-with-safari-mail-for-fast-testing/
If you're on a Mac you can send HTML email super quickly using Safari and Mail. I blogged about the details at the link below, but basically you just view your HTML file in Safari and select File > Mail Contents of This Page.
对话已经很晚了,但这里是发送 html 电子邮件的最快方法(尽管远非最佳实践):
在网络浏览器(如网页)中查看渲染的 html,然后
将呈现的 html 结果粘贴到电子邮件正文中。 没有比这更容易的了...只需注意,如果您希望收件人看到您的图像,则需要托管它们。
Very late to the conversation, but here is the quickest method (although far from best practice) to send a html email:
View your rendered html in a web browser (like a web page), then
select the entire page thenctrl+c
copy andctrl+v
paste that rendered html result into the body of your email. Doesn't get any easier than that...Just note that your images need to be hosted if you want the recipient to see them.
如果您正在运行 .NET 并且拥有 Gmail 帐户,这是一种简单的方法,
请参阅 通过 Gmail 在 .NET 中发送电子邮件了解更多详细信息
If you are running .NET and you have a Gmail account this is one easy way
see Sending email in .NET through Gmail for more details
测试邮件服务器工具可以帮助您 - 如果您只需要接收并查看您的应用程序发送的所有电子邮件。
A Test Mail Server Tool can help with that -if you just need to receive and view any emails sent by your application.
我使用 PHPMailer 发送 HTML 电子邮件(通常是批量)。 这对我来说非常有效。
I send HTML email (often in bulk) using PHPMailer. It has worked great for me.
您还可以使用 PowerShell
Also you can use PowerShell
一个仅适用于 Windows 的免费解决方案是使用 ASP 或 WSH,您通常无需安装任何特殊软件。 我选择 JScript 而不是 VBScript:
注意: 但是,使用这种方法您的 HTML 最终可能会稍微重新格式化。
A Windows-only free solution where you typically don't have to install anything special is to use ASP or WSH. I opt for JScript instead of VBScript:
Note: However, your HTML may end up getting slightly reformatted with this approach.
但是您可以使用 Thunderbird Mail 非常轻松地发送 HTML 电子邮件。
请记住仔细检查您的帐户设置和电子邮件特定设置是否设置为允许 HTML 电子邮件(我相信这是默认设置)。
Thunderbird 是免费的、跨平台的(Mac、Windows 和 Linux)、开源的、 由 Mozilla 维护。
编辑:我与 Thunderbird 或 Mozilla 没有任何关系。
yes, I know I am almost a decade and a half late to this...
But you can send HTML emails extremely easily with Thunderbird Mail.
Although you do have to paste the content into the box that pops up, instead of sending a file itself.
Remember to double check that your account settings and email specific settings are set to allow HTML emails (I believe this is default).
Thunderbird is free, cross platform (Mac, Windows & Linux), open source, & maintained by Mozilla.
Edit: I have no affiliation with Thunderbird or Mozilla.
您可以读取电子邮件模板并分配给 MailMessage 正文。
Maybe you can use System.Net.Mail in .NET?
You can read from an email template and assing to a MailMessage body.
To send email